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Asking God for wisdom and strength while attacking problems at hand. [1] Best technique to contact God. [2] Breath of soul. [3] Embodying self-interest. [4] Meaning of prayer to various individuals. [5] Most efficient approach to reserve powers in unconscious mind. [6] Much prayer is intercourse with subconscious. [7] Not getting our way but taking God’s way. [8] Recharging spiritual batteries of soul. [9] Spiritual communion which leads to worship. [10] Spontaneous outburst of God-consciousness. [11] Trusting communication of spiritual nature with Creator. [12]
Determines spiritual status of any religion. [13]
All sincere prayer answered. [14] Ancestor of much peace of mind. [15] Answer may be delayed, modified, or postponed. [16] Antidotes harmful introspection. [17] Attains degree of Adjuster contact. [18] Changes attitude toward life. [19] Conserves higher values. [20] Cures numerous mental and emotional ailments. [21] Daily prayer is quickest way to overcome criticizing. [22] Delay in answer often betokens better answer. [23] Digs out deeper channels for divine bestowals. [24] Does not change God but he who prays in faith. [25] Efficacy not dependent on worshipper’s intelligence. [26] Enhances character and unifies personality. [27] Exchanges human will for divine will. [28] God answers prayer by increased revelation of truth. [29] Induces ego to look to subconscious for material aid, to superconscious for inspiration. [30] Institutionalizes religion. [31] May lead to morbid sense of sin and guilt, harmful brooding over one’s unworthiness. [32] Most potent spiritual-growth stimulus. [33] No direct effect upon physical environment unless in liaison with divine will. [34] Opens Father’s storehouse. [35] Phase concerns reception by true spiritual forces. [36] Prevents isolation of personality. [37] Promotes health, happiness, self-control, social harmony, moral progress, and spiritual attainment. [38] Province of prayer. [39] Reinforces self for higher attainment. [40] Self-reminding, spiritually sustaining. [41] Sincerity, motive, is assurance of prayer being heard. [42] Social repercussions. [43] Unifies faith urges. [44] Universe consistency of prayer determines time, manner of answer. [45] What true son desires and Father wills IS. [46]
Father’s prayer taught by Hap in Dalamatia. [47] Jews had some 25 set. [48] John the Baptist’s prayer. [49] Lord’s prayer. Onagar’s prayer. [50] Prayers from other planets. [51]
All made better from participation. [52] Cf: let not men hear your personal prayer. [53] Prevents danger associated with overmuch private praying. [54] Where 2 or 3 are gathered together. [55]
Features underwent rapid changes in. [56] Meaning of prayer to Jesus. [57] Prayed for others; only rarely for himself. [58] Spent entire nights at prayer. [59]
Bargaining petition for health, wealth, and life. [60] Dangers attendant upon perversion of prayer. [61] Destined to bring disappointment, disillusionment. [62] In Jesus’ name viewed as supreme magic. [63] Inconsistent with laws of God is abomination. [64] Involves confessions, petitions, requests for material favors. [65] Leads to exertions that contribute to its answering. [66] Material things not province of prayer. [67] Prayer not technique for curing organic diseases. [68] Pseudomagical avoidance of effort requisite to solve problems. [69]
Intervening spirit beings translate. [70] No lodgment in spirit circuit for unworthy prayer. [71] Sacrifice idea unfailingly detracts from prayer. [72] Seraphim not directly concerned with our prayer. [73] Transmitted instantaneously by spirit-gravity circuit to all. Divine personalities concerned. [74] Urge to pray often result of seraphic influence. [75] Utilizes ascending spiritual currents of universe. [76]
For more laborers; extension of kingdom. [77] For others. [78] For those who curse and persecute us. [79] For values, not things; for growth, not gratification. [80]
Adam encouraged individual prayer, not set prayer. [81] Afterwards remain in silent receptivity. [82] Agency of religious ministry must be visualized as personal. [83] Cannot seek for selfish advantage. [84] Celestial beings do not assist those who refuse to act on available truth. [85] Conditions of effective prayer. [86] Deity to whom prayer addressed is immaterial. [87] Do not expect God to show partiality. [88] Exercise caution in discouraging immature minds regarding faulty prayer. [89] Father knows our needs before we ask. [90] Futile trying to avoid operation of natural laws. [91] God always open to. [92] Guard against becoming self-centered in. [93] In doubt, ask in Jesus’ name. [94] Jesus did not fully approve of formal prayer. [95] Learn to pray as children. [96] Motivation validates; words are valueless. [97] Must be born of spirit, nurtured by faith. [98] Must be honest, unselfish, fair, intelligent, trustful, without doubting. [99] Must consist in spiritual realities. [100] Must never be a substitute for action. [101] Prayer and the alter ego. [102] Pray in faith and confident expectation. [103] Should be directed to Eternal Son, Creator Son. [104] Talking things over with God. [105] Use not vain repetitions, meaningless phrases. [106] Use of solemn style not more efficacious. [107] Wrongly emphasized to neglect of more essential communion of worship. [108] “your will be done” always appropriate. [109]
Arose independently of magic. [110] Earliest luck petitions not addressed to Deity. [111] Evolution of prayer. [112] Merely verbalized wishes. [113] Tibetans fasten prayers to wheels. [114]
See also: UB 143:7; UB 144:2; UB 168:4.