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All must experience one true opportunity to make an undoubted, final choice. [1] Creator Sons may decree survival. [2] In doubt, universe governments invariably rule in personal interests of individual. [3] Justice Guides defend cases of doubtful. [4] Magisterial Sons render judgment on. [5] No second opportunity in face of rejection of first. [6]
Animalistic memories perish with physical brain. [7] As creature becomes God-identified, he becomes real. [8]
All-perfected plan designed to effect our survival. [9] Every facility and all power provided to insure. [10] Father is not willing that any should perish. [11] First faint flicker of faith assures survival. [12] God is merciful with primitive mortals. [13] Jesus is surety for our survival. [14] Only conscious resistance to Adjuster’s leading can preventsurvival. [15] Survival assured if individual knows God and desires to become like him. [16] Sons of God establish lavish mercy credits sufficient for all. [17]
Acceptance of sonship. [18] Accepting participation in adventure of eternity. [19] Achieved, in spirit, now in doing Father’s will. [20] Choosing values selected by Adjuster. [21] Effort and decision. [22] Faith only. [23] Freewill choice. [24] Having been born of spirit. [25] Joint effort by Adjuster and human. [26] Living relationship of personal mind and spirit. [27] Loving God with all one’s heart, and one’s neighbor as oneself. [28] Not what mind comprehends but what it desires to comprehend ensures. [29] Survival of part depends on co-operation with purpose of whole. [30] Survival of soul. [31] Self-identification with indwelling spirit by choosing to do Father’s will. [32] Sincerity, steadfastness of God-seeking decisions. [33] Supremely desiring to be Godlike, willingness to do and be anything. [34] Surrender to will of God. Transferring seat of identity from material intellect to soul. [35]
Complete in perfection. [36] Eye has not seen what God has prepared for survivors. [37] Fusion proclaims irrevocable choice to do Father’s will. [38] Gained, all other losses can be retrieved. [39] Gift of God which must be desired; never forced on anyone. [40]
Jewish doctrine took form at Babylon. [41] Lucifer maintained immortality was inherent. [42] Onagar’s concept of the Great Beyond. [43] Primitive doctrine was reincarnation. [44] Primitives believed man entered next life just as he left this one. [45] Primitives believed only rich experienced survival. [46] Vague Andonite ideas. [47]
Intellectual and spiritual development resumed in morontia where interrupted by death. [48] Life after death no different in essentials than mortal existence. [49] Nature does not afford ground for belief in. [50] Not all accept. [51] Not dependent on knowledge or wisdom. [52] Not detectable in nature or mind, only spiritually. [53] Not to enjoy bliss and ease, but for transcendent service. [54] Presence of evil is sufficient test for. [55]
Choice between sinful pleasures, righteous realities. [56] Disqualification by disinheritance due to inferior ancestors. [57] Humans fully occupied with material problems will perish. [58] One-time sonship will not save a person without progressive fruit-bearing. [59] Rejected only by selfishness, slothfulness, sinfulness. [60] Survival jeopardized only by mind decisions, soul choices. [61] Survival may be rejected any time prior to fusion. [62]
Terrestrial escape. [63] Thought Adjuster possession of spirit personality survives natural death. [64] True concept of God indispensible to. [65]
See also: UB 112.