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Converted Anaxand in Caesarea. [1] Failed as steward only a few times. [2] Labored for Samaritans. [3] Recruited Nathaniel. [4] Selected Thomas. [5] Very tenacious and successful personal worker. [6]
Among the 120 at Pentecost. [7] And the inquiring Greeks. [8] At Jesus’ appearances. [9] Business partner of Nathaniel. [10] Chased out of Samaritan town with stones. [11] Chosen as apostle. [12] “come and see”. [13] Crucified at Hierapolis. [14] Descendants persecuted by Christians. [15] Fearless wife in women’s corps; stoned to death at Philip’s cross. [16]
Admonitions to Philip. [17] Asked to feed the 5000. [18] Asked to preach to gentiles. [19] Told Philip no more to busy himself with money and goods. [20]
Noncommittal on plan to make Jesus king. [21]
Always wanted to be shown. [22] Fisherman from Bethsaida; had known Jesus aforetime. [23] Honest but unspiritual. [24] Married, no children, 27 in A.D. 26, lived at Bethsaida. [25] Methodical; lacked imagination; commonplace average man. [26]
Questions usually foolish. [27] The curious; apostolic steward. [28] Worried Jesus might ask him to feed multitude in Jerusalem. [29]
See also: UB 141:3.2; UB 143:3.5; UB 144:1.7; UB 178:2.6-8; UB 191:0.9; UB 192:4.7.