Jerusem, the headquarters of Satania, consists of seven transition worlds encircled by seven satellites, including the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention. [1] The headquarters world of system #24 in constellation Norlatiadek is called Jerusem. [2] It is the first place we will be taken to after crossing the threshold of death.
Jerusem is located near the astronomic center of Satania, an enormous dark island of space. [3]
Jerusem, the headquarters of Satania, is the heaven visualized by most modern believers, a typical capital of a local system slowly eradicating disharmony and restoring order and good will. [4]
On Jerusem, the composite activities encompass service, study, relaxation, social intercourse, group entertainment, and divine worship, offering great educational value through interaction with diverse personalities and orders. [5]
John the Revelator saw a vision of advancing mortals arriving at Jerusem, standing on a sea of glass mingled with fire, singing the song of deliverance. [6] John and Paul saw visions of the ascendant-citizen corps on Jerusem, a place of spiritual significance and enlightenment. [7]
Despite irregularities caused by the Lucifer rebellion and Michael's bestowal, Jerusem is steadily progressing towards becoming a heavenly capital typical of similar spheres in the Satania local system. [8] Every ascendant citizen of Jerusem emerged triumphant and victorious after the fiery trial of the “war in heaven”, with none lost in rebellion. [9] Unity and celebration greet the triumphant ascenders on Jerusem, as they advance on their morontia journey towards higher realms. [10]
The four and twenty counselors on Jerusem, designated agents for executing special requests and unusual mandates, are the personal agents of Christ Michael. [11]
Every century, ten representatives from each system are chosen by the Jerusem council of 1000 to serve in the constellation legislature, selected from graduates of the Melchizedek College of Administration. [12] There is evidence to suggest that Caligastia's seat in the council of Planetary Princes on Jerusem was filled during Jesus' tomb. [13]
The executive council of Satania, under the leadership of Hanavard, provides guidance and support for the diverse beings overseeing the administration of Jerusem. [14]
Machiventa Melchizedek, the only Son of this order to bestow himself upon the Urantia races, has headquarters on Jerusem. [15]
Adam and Eve, members of the senior corps of Material Sons on Jerusem, were chosen for the mission of Adamic adventure on Urantia, loyal to Michael and fully equipped for their new responsibilities. [16]
The archangel corps of Nebadon, including the first-born of the order, have a divisional headquarters on Urantia which attracts the attention of extra-Nebadon student visitors. [17] On Jerusem, friendly relationships between Material Sons, angels, and ascending pilgrims endear the system capital to the ascending mortals. [18] Galantia, an ascendant superangel, maintains headquarters on Jerusem, the first of his kind to achieve such a lofty position. [19] The Master Physical Controller on Jerusem supervises the physical-energy system of Satania. [20]
Jerusem, the physical and architectural center of Satania, comprises fifty-seven spheres of varying sizes, all meticulously maintained and governed by native spornagia and the Master Physical Controllers. [21]
Jerusem, the system capital of Satania, is a cluster of architectural spheres, including itself, its seven major satellites, and forty-nine subsatellites, being almost 100 times larger than Urantia with slightly less gravity. [22]
The executive, residential, and administrative areas on Jerusem are structured in circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles, reflecting a common design found in all system capitals of Nebadon but subject to variation in other universes according to the Creator Sons' plans. [23] The circles of the courtesy colonies on Jerusem showcase stunning structures and beautiful headquarters created by celestial artisans. [24] As mansion worlds are traversed, new sectors of Jerusem open up to ascending mortals, revealing progressive grandeurs. [25]
The central area of the circles of the ascending mortals on Jerusem is adorned with 619 planetary memorials, reflecting the diverse inhabited worlds of the system through periodically changing structures. [26]
The exhibit panorama of Jerusem, 35,000 miles around with a 14-mile erasure, showcases the evolving status of the peopled worlds of Satania, overseen by native Jerusem residents and ascenders from Satania worlds. [27] The circles of the courtesy colonies are graced by the vast astronomic observatory and art gallery of Jerusem. [28]
The Jerusem circles encompass residential areas for major groups of universe life and include the circles of the Sons of God, angels, Universe Aids, Master Physical Controllers, ascending mortals, courtesy colonies, and the Corps of the Finality, each consisting of seven successively elevated circles around administration hill. [29] Ascending mortals and midway creatures are forbidden from the circles of the Master Physical Controllers and the dematerializing sector on Jerusem. [30] The Michael memorial at Jerusem's center is the focal point for all activities in the system, commemorating Michael's bestowal on Urantia. [31] On Jerusem, the rectangles of lower native life are the rendezvous of the spornagia, who cultivate the land for aesthetic and ornamental effects. [32] The immense assembly hall of Jerusem's reversion directors' theater is a centerpiece of the courtesy colonies. [33] The temples of Material Sons house the records and power on Jerusem. [34] Local affairs on Jerusem are directed from the one hundred triangles surrounding the ten structures of local administration. [35]
The undedicated vacant temple sealed by Gabriel on Jerusem symbolizes the seventh stage of spirit and carries the inscription “Undedicated to the eternal assignment.”. [36] The central area of the circles of the ascending mortals on Jerusem features a working model of Edentia worlds. [37]
The atmosphere of Jerusem is a three-gas mixture, with a gas adapted for the respiration of the morontia order of life. [38] The construction of Jerusem and its satellites marked the beginning of physical creation in Nebadon, designed to accommodate various stages of being. [39] The equable temperature of Jerusem is expertly controlled and maintained without abrupt changes in light or heat. [40] The celestial artisans create buildings of crystal gems and other precious materials, showcasing transparent structures visible to all visitors. [41]
Jerusem, devoid of organic evolution or survival of fittest, showcases a harmonious blend of physical and morontia life, reflecting the divine perfection of the central universe. [42]
On Jerusem, there are no rugged mountains, oceans, earthquakes, or rainfall, but there are beauteous highlands and thousands of small lakes connected by sparkling canals. [43]
The "gradant" weight on Jerusem is precisely ten ounces and the Jerusem mile is equivalent to seven Urantia miles, while a Satania day equals three Urantia days minus one hour, four minutes, and fifteen seconds. [44]
On Jerusem, the transportation system allows material beings to travel at speeds ranging from two to five hundred miles per hour, while transport birds fly at around one hundred miles an hour and Material Sons use air mechanisms that travel at approximately five hundred miles per hour, as early morontia and material beings depend on these mechanical means of transport, unlike spirit personalities who rely on superior forces and spirit energy sources for their movement. [45] Transports depart from Mount Seraph every three seconds, reaching over two thousand miles away at standard velocity. [46]
The Jerusem broadcast-receiving station, encircled by an enormous amphitheater seating 5 billion beings, is the favorite diversion for all Jerusem to stay informed about the universe. [47]
On Jerusem, broadcasts from the superuniverse and Paradise-Havona are received through a technique involving the polar crystal, the sea of glass, in liaison with Salvington, with separate groups of stations for local world, constellation headquarters, and local universe broadcasts, providing an engaging and engrossing diversion for all beings present in the central broadcast amphitheater. [48]
The intricate material economy of Jerusem showcases a perfection of mechanical technique and physical achievement that would astonish even the most experienced chemists and inventors. [49]
The material economy and physical achievements on Jerusem would astonish even the most experienced chemists and inventors, as this first world of detention in the Paradise journey is more like earth life than spirit existence. [50]
On Jerusem, universal suffrage is weighted by mota achievement, assigning values ranging from one to one thousand based on individual wisdom levels. [51]
Jerusem, the central hub of Satania, is host to seven transitional culture worlds, each with seven satellites, including the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention. [52]
Jerusem, the headquarters of our local system of Satania, has seven mansion worlds which swing around world #1, each surrounded by seven satellites, serving as the transitional culture for ascending mortals. [55] The World of the Father, a silent transition sphere circling, welcomes all system beings as worshipers at its great temple of light. [56]
See also: UB 46; UB 32:2.11.