This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
187,432,811 ascendant citizens; none lost in rebellion. [1] Activities on Jerusem are work, progress, and play. [2] Adam and Eve on Jerusem. [3] Archangels based on Jerusem. [4] Citizenship. [5]
24 counselors. [6] Council of 1000 represents system groups. [7] Council of Planetary Princes. [8] Executive council of Satania. [9]
Courtesy colonies. [10] Friendly relationships. [11] Galantia maintains headquarters on Jerusem. [12] Headquarters of Satania, our local system. [13] Heaven visualized by most modern believers. [14] Irregularities occasioned by Lucifer rebellion, Michael’s bestowal. [15] John the Revelator saw vision of. [16] Machiventa Melchizedek has headquarters on Jerusem. [17] Master Physical Controller located on Jerusem. [18] New sectors are open to ascenders as mansion worlds are traversed. [19]
3-gas atmosphere. [20] 100 times larger than Urantia; slightly less gravity. [21] 619 planetary memorials. [22] 200,000 light years from Uversa. [23] Amphitheater seats 5 billion. [24] Astronomic observatory; art gallery. [25] Circles – residential areas; administration hill. [26] Construction. [27] Equal temperature; no abrupt days or nights. [28] Executive, residential, and administrative areas. [29] Exhibit panorama, 35,000 miles around with 14-mile erasure. [30] Forbidden zones. [31] Intricate material economy. [32] Located near an enormous dark island of space. [33] Many buildings made of crystal gems. [34] Michael memorial. [35] More like earth life than spirit existence. [36] No organic evolution or survival of fittest. [37] No rugged mountains, oceans, earthquakes, or rainfall. [38] Rectangles of lower native life, spornagia. [39] Reversion directors’ theater. [40] Temples of Material Sons, power, records. [41] Transports depart from Mount Seraph. [42] Triangles; local affairs directed from Jerusem. [43] Undedicated vacant temple; sealed by Gabriel. [44] Working model of Edentia worlds. [45]
Reception of broadcasts. [46] Seen in visions by John, Paul. [47] System #24 of constellation Norlatiadek. [48]
Mansion worlds swing around world #1. [51]
Transportation system. [52] Universal suffrage; weighted by mota. [53] Weights and measures. [54] World of Father is silent transition sphere circling. [55]
See also: UB 46; UB 45:0-1; UB 46:1-2; UB 15:7.5; UB 45:1.1.