This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
On basis of common ideals, not theologic beliefs. [1] On basis of unity, not uniformity. [2] Only by appeal to Adjuster. [3] Only by religion of spirit. [4]
Cf: early believers separated themselves from unbelievers. [5] Cf: inevitable clash between religion of spirit and of authority. [6] Cf: peace cannot exist between light and darkness, truth and error. [7] Cf: time for open break with religious rulers. [8] Cf: woe upon you scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites! [9] Derives from identical indwelling God fragments. [10] Each apostle taught his own view of gospel. [11] Fruit of faith union with living Jesus. [12] Lack of spiritual brotherhood inexcusable. [13] Omnipresence of Eternal Son constitutes. [14] Pentecost was call to. [15]