This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
1000 years of mortal communication conveyed in chance meeting on Paradise. [1] Beyond Supreme, concepts are less true designations of reality. [2]
All angels speak language of their local universe and superuniverse. [3] Each local universe and superuniverse has its own. [4] Half hour address would cover subject of lifetime. [5] Harmony is code of spirit communication. [6] Languages of Salvington and Uversa learned by humans in light and life. [7] Little need of language in Havona. [8] Morontia progressors must learn language much as on Urantia. [9] Of Nebadon mastered by 4th mansonia. [10] Of Uversa learned before residency on Jerusem. [11] Translators always available on morontia worlds. [12]
Absence is great handicap. [13] Absence prevented full reciprocation of Occidental nations. [14] Caligastia defection destroyed hope for. [15] Conquest of dialects. [16] Favors global religion. [17] Money is universal language of trade. [18] Promotes peace, culture, happiness. [19]
Amadon’s Andonic dialect was tongue of Eden. [20] Ancient societies employed secret. [21] Andon and Fonta developed. [22] Andonic clans developed. [23] Animals cannot develop. [24] Backward races speak new dialect every 50 miles. [25] Development of speech coincident with acquiring will, receiving Adjusters. [26] Fossils of superstition. [27] Great need for further development. [28] Hundreds of local dialects in times of Adam. [29] Primates developed. [30] Sentimental retention of olden nomenclature. [31] Similarity of Occidental tongues called Aryan. [32] Tongue of Adamites eventually dominates. [33]
Jesus reversed meaning of many words; shunned flowery language. [34] Languages named. Limitations of human language. [35] Multiplication of multilinguists furthers brotherhood. [36]
Basis of civilization; makes knowledge and wisdom cumulative. [37] Communication with symbols. [38] Man’s most serviceable thinking tool. [39]
Nonbreathers speak by modified technique. [40] Priests conduct ritual in ancient tongue. [41] Racial segregation favored by multiplicity of. [42]
Avoided arbitrary, meaningless designations. [43] Used human concepts as more acceptable to human minds. [44] Used modern phraseology. [45]
Use of Greek caused early Christian church to turn west. [46] Weigh consequences of words. [47] Words are valueless in prayer; rather motivating thought. [48] Words cannot thrill like seeing. [49]