Amadon’s Andonic dialect, the tongue of Eden, was improved by Van and became the language of Urantia as Adam and Eve mastered it before leaving Jerusem. [1] Ancient societies employed secret signs, a special language, and withheld certain foods to build social castes. [2] Andon and Fonta developed a sophisticated system of communication, but struggled to teach it to their parents. [3] The language of the Andonic clans evolved and became the word of Urantia. [4] Animals cannot develop language or experience personality survival in eternity due to their lack of spiritual nature and mental powers. [5]
Primitive societies surviving today demonstrate the early group hostility and personal suspicion seen in ancient times, their varied dialects every 50 miles reflecting a world that could have been without the guidance of social progression. [6]
The development of speech coincides with the acquirement of moral will, enabling humans to receive divine Adjusters for spiritual growth and evolution. [7]
Language contains fossils of superstition, demonstrating humanity's historical entanglement with magical beliefs in words like spellbound, inspiration, and thunderstruck. [8] The effectiveness of language in civilization's advancement hinges on its continual development to keep pace with evolving thought. [9]
Adam and Eve faced the daunting challenge of uniting a world filled with hundreds of local dialects, struggling to bring about religious unity in a realm shrouded in spiritual darkness and moral decay. [10] Primates developed a unique form of communication through signs and sounds, but struggled to make their people understand these new symbols. [11] The sentimental retention of olden nomenclature hinders the true understanding of religious evolution. [12]
The formation of the Aryan mother tongue in Turkestan blended dialects of the Andonic region with language from the Adamsonites and Andites, resulting in the similarity found in modern Occidental tongues. [13]
The universal peace of the post-Adamic epoch is reached through the dominance of the tongue of the violet people, as nationalism gives way to internationalism and the brotherhood of man materializes. [14] The priests conduct rituals in an ancient tongue to mystify and impress worshipers, risking the ritual becoming a substitute for religion. [15] The Planetary Prince is not a Prince of Peace; racial segregation is favored by a multiplicity of languages, leading to tribal wars and struggles. [16] The use of Greek in early Christian teachings shifted the church's focus westward, away from its origins in the East. [17]
The absence of one language, one religion, and one philosophy is the great handicap hindering Urantia from reaching its high planetary destiny of light and life, amidst the challenges of disease, degeneracy, war, and multilingualism. [18]
The absence of full reciprocation between Occidental nations due to language barriers hinders the blending of European culture in North America, impacting the future of the continent. [19] The Caligastia defection destroyed hope for a universal language, leaving only remnants of the progress made in alphabet writing. [20] The triumph of a universal language is achieved through the conquest of dialects. [21] A global language favors global religion and world-wide peace under global government. [22] Money serves as the universal language of modern trade, bridging the gap created by the absence of a common language among peace groups. [23] A universal language promotes peace, culture, and happiness, fostering international cooperation and unity among diverse races. [24] The multiplication of multilinguists furthering global brotherhood through social interactions and cultural exchanges. [25]
Language is the basis of civilization, enabling the cumulative growth of knowledge and wisdom through generations. [26] Communication with symbols distinguishes humans from animals, allowing for the conveyance of meanings, values, ideas, and ideals. [27]
Language, man's most serviceable thinking tool, is crucial for the expansion of civilized thinking and planning, evolving through gestures, signs, cries, and new words like slang. [28]
The limitations of human language hinder our ability to fully convey the profound truths and concepts of divine realities and heavenly realms to mortal minds. [29] Man's finite understanding struggles to grasp concepts beyond the Supreme, where names become projections rather than true designations of reality. [30]
Jesus transformed language by simplifying and reversing meanings, rejecting flowery language for impactful simplicity, and bringing divine teachings down to earth. [31] Trust Jesus more, cultivate patience, and weigh consequences of words for a life of kindness and tranquility. [32]
The world needs firsthand experience of Jesus and God, for words cannot thrill like seeing and knowing their life-giving teachings and divine presence. [33] It is the motivating thought, not the words, that validates mortal supplication. [34]
To communicate the names of the ethereal Perfections of Days, translators face the challenge of selecting a suitable designation that is both comprehensible and representative, avoiding arbitrary and meaningless labels. [35]
In successive planetary revelations, divine truth is presented using human concepts as the basis, with the aim of enhancing the understanding of spiritual values and universe meanings. [36] The words of Jesus used in The Urantia Book in the narration of his Mediterranean tour are spoken in modern phraseology, not in the original one. [37]
A chance meeting on Paradise conveys more mutual understanding than 1000 years of mortal communication. [38]
All angels, including cherubim and sanobim, learn multiple languages through studying planetary usages and languages during their training within the realms, continuously striving for self-improvement. [39] Each local universe and superuniverse has its own language, facilitating communication among beings of different origins. [40] In the language of Nebadon, a half hour address could encompass a lifetime's worth of subject matter, a concept that baffles the promoters of oratory. [41] Harmony, the universal code of spirit communication, transcends mortal understanding and remains the speech of Havona. [42]
On highly evolved worlds like Salvington and Uversa, humans first fully learn the local universe language before being translated, with absonite personalities revealing the presence of finaliters in morontia temples. [43] In Havona, language has little need, as perfect understanding exists in the central universe. [44] Morontia progressors must learn new languages with the help of Morontia Companions, just as they do on Urantia. [45]
Before reaching Jerusem with residential status, ascending mortals from Nebadon master both the local universe language and the tongue of Uversa on the fourth mansonia. [46]
Ascending mortals must master the local universe language before residency on Jerusem, as they are bilingual from the system headquarters up to Havona, with a further need to perfect the tongue of Uversa for residence on Paradise. [47] Translators on morontia worlds will help you learn new languages efficiently. [48] On the mansion worlds, communicating with modified mortal types is easy as they speak the same system language but by a modified technique. [49]
For a list of languages named in The Urantia Book see links.