This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Barbarous, monotonous. [1] Earlier types of music appeal to immature or spiritually indolent individuals. [2] Little progress until Adamites. [3] Originated in worship chants. [4]
Angels enjoy our real music. [5] Appreciation on Urantia. [6] Better if Adam and Eve had survived. [7] Cannot elevate soul or nourish spirit. [8] Celestial associates of our musicians. [9]
100,000 modes analogous to our music instruments. [10] Harmony is universal code of spirit communication. [11] Morontia functions often executed in rhythm. [12] Spirit melodies are not material sound waves. [13]
Expresses tempo of emotions. [14] Flute played at mourning. [15] Form of mathematical rhythm. [16] Gift of harmony occurs only once in 1000 mortals. [17] Harmony and rhythm spiritually akin to beauty. [18] Involves exertion of higher intellectual powers. [19] Jesus loved harp. [20] Limited range of mortal hearing. [21] Majority react to music with material muscles. [22] Military trained in music in continental nation. [23] Real musician could change course of a nation. [24]