The cult type of social organization persists by providing a symbolism for the preservation and stimulation of moral sentiments and religious loyalties, as all inspiring ideals grasp for some perpetuating symbolism. [1] Ideals are born only in the creative realms of the inner world, explaining the poverty, divorce, war, and racial hatreds in today's world. [2]
The racial ideals carve out destiny for immediate posterity, determining the cultural velocity of civilization and the character trend of future generations. [3] Do not dislodge children's ideals, let them grow as angels guide you to seek truth and expand your soul. [4] Ideals are the driving power that elevates and advances human culture, as no stream will rise higher than its source. [5] Our hunger for righteousness and truth leads to the geometric growth of ideals, while our ability to live up to them only grows arithmetically. [6] Keep your ideals high for eternal salvation while ensuring your practical ideas make you a valuable citizen on earth. [7] The lack of ideals among leaders explains poverty, divorce, war, and hatreds in society. [8]
Living up to one's highest moral ideals may not align with the will of God, but finding God and striving towards becoming more like Him is the ultimate purpose that brings deliverance from guilt. [9] True religion seeks to convert individuals and transform the world by reaching out for attainable ideals residing in God. [10] The origin of altruistic ideals stems from the divine spirit within the human mind, inspiring the unselfish urge to benefit others. [11]