The four steps of inner righteousness lead believers to the full stature of robust sons of God, following faith as the key to enter the kingdom. [1]
The Adjuster creates within you a hunger and thirst for righteousness, leading to the recognition of the inner urge to divine attainment and soul trust for salvation. [2] Are you improving as a righteousness recommender with each passing day? [3] Be valiant in defense of righteousness, gentle in dealings, patient in intercourse, and aggressive in preaching the gospel. [4] Kingdom believers have implicit faith in the triumph of righteousness. [5] God's laws are not arbitrary; they are merely the habits of God, his way of repeatedly doing things in the best way, which is the right way. [6] A little with righteousness is better than great riches with wickedness. [7] The certain victory of righteousness will ultimately usher in the era of light and life. [8] Righteousness comes not from passive attitudes, but from actively challenging the ungodly and unrighteous with positive actions. [9]
Jesus taught that righteousness exceeding that of the scribes and Pharisees had to be acquired by faith. [10] Living virtue is choosing good over evil, a reflection of righteousness—conformity with the cosmos, in the progression towards cosmic achievement. [11]
Identification with Father's plan liberates and enfranchises the believer, curing spiritual loneliness and aligning one with the gleam of righteousness. [12]
To enter the kingdom, one must have a righteousness surpassing acts of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting, consisting of love, mercy, and truth – the sincere desire to do the will of God, transcending one's environment to embrace truth, beauty, and goodness. [13] A righteous soul is more desired than the sovereignty of all the earth, for immortality awaits those who think, speak, and act with virtue. [14] Salvation is the gift of God, and righteousness is the natural fruit of the spirit-born life in the kingdom. [15] To do the work of the kingdom, one must be righteous, not merely do righteous deeds. [16]
Righteousness is earned through progressive character development, but sonship is received as a gift from the Father in heaven, just like a child receives life from its parents. [17]
Living a righteous life yields satisfaction that transcends material rewards, shaping a link in the unbroken chain of morality across universes and eternal ages. [18]
Morality cannot be established by law or force; it must come from within and be spread by the influence of morally righteous individuals. [19] Exemplify the beautiful wholeness of righteousness to attract truth seekers and embody a truth-coordinated life. [20] The Father uses limitless forces and personalities to uphold his purpose, for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous. [21]
Only at Ur did a voice arise to cry out the mercy of God, saying: “He shall pray to God and shall find favor with him and shall see his face with joy, for God will give to man divine righteousness.”. [22]
Righteousness is the divine thought that God is the source of moral law, while love is a father's attitude that craves affection and seeks understanding fellowship. [23] God exhibits his righteousness as equal hatred for sin, maintaining perfect unity within the Paradise Trinity. [24] God's righteousness transcends strict retributive justice, embodying both justice and mercy as a unified loving father. [25] Happy are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled with the fruits of the spirit. [26] The hunger and thirst for righteousness leads to the discovery of truth, augmenting ideals and creating new problems for religionists. [27]
Ikhnaton's religion in daily life epitomized righteousness, fostering an ethos of ethical responsibility that transcended national boundaries and united individuals in a genuine quest for spiritual truth. [28] In Havona, the natural enjoyment of doing things rightly reveals the reason of righteousness and the rule of justice, resulting in fairness. [29] Make friends with the forces of righteousness. [30]
The pure mind that discerns God through spiritual insight leads man Godward, as feelings are transcended by the divine spirit in the realm of highest and most spiritualized thinking. [31]
Moses' teachings on righteousness and prosperity brought confusion to the Jewish people as they struggled to understand their ongoing oppression under foreign rulers. [32] The extent of having to go to the people reveals a lack of righteousness. [33]
Righteousness nourishes individual creativity in the spiritual fellowship of believers with the Father, fostering eternal truth and communion with divine spirits. [34] Those who feel poor in spirit are the only ones who will hunger for righteousness. [35]
The common people marveled at the teaching and ministry of Jesus and his apostles, who proved the rabbis wrong by being both pious and righteous despite their cheerful ignorance. [36] Recognized by God, righteousness resonates truth's harmony across the cosmos, acknowledged even by the Infinite. [37] Choosing righteousness requires facing and overcoming the tempting presence of potential evil to distinguish and uphold the good. [38]
See also: UB 2:3.