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4 steps of inner. [1] Adjuster creates hunger and thirst for. [2] Are you a better righteousness recommender? [3] Be valiant in defense of. [4] Believers have implicit faith in triumph of. [5] Best way is the right way. [6] Better little with righteousness than riches with wickedness. [7] Certain victory of. [8] Comes not from passive attitudes. [9]
Acquired by faith. [10] Conformity with the cosmos. [11] Identification with Father’s plan. [12] Love, mercy, and truth – the desire to do will of God. [13] More to be desired than sovereignty of all the earth. [14] Natural fruit of spirit-born life. [15] Necessary to do work of kingdom. [16] Progressive character development. [17] Yielding satisfaction transcending material reward. [18]
Do not seek to establish righteousness by laws or force. [19] Exemplify the beautiful wholeness of. [20] Eyes of the Lord are over the righteous. [21] God gives to man. [22] God is source of moral law. [23] God’s righteousness exhibited as equal hatred for sin. [24] God’s righteousness not dominated by strict retributive justice. [25] Happy are they who hunger and thirst for. [26] Hunger and thirst for righteousness leads to discovery of truth. [27] Ikhnaton’s religion in daily life. [28] In Havona, natural enjoyment of doing things rightly. [29] Make friends with forces of. [30] Mind that discerns God is pure mind. [31] Moses taught righteousness always rewarded with prosperity, power. [32] Necessity to go to the people reveals lack of. [33] Nourishes individual creativity. [34] Only the poor in spirit hunger for. [35] Rabbis taught that the ignorant could not enjoy. [36] Recognized by God. [37] Requires contrast of potential evil. [38]
See also: UB 2:3.