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All spiritual values registered in duplicate. [1] Easier to agree on values than beliefs or creeds. [2] Eternal Son grasps all true values. [3] Foster spiritual growth by maintaining attitude of wholehearted devotion to supreme values. [4] Jesus’ talk with Angamon on true values. [5] Mind and spirit united can create superhuman values. [6]
Best discovered in associates’ motivations. [7] Depend on fact of relationships. [8] Distinction between what is, and what has, value. [9] Faith required to detect spiritual values. [10] Human mind discovers and chooses v.; does not create values. [11] Not psychological projections. [12] Only spirit content is imperishable. [13] Quality represents estimate of v.; values are felt by soul. [14] Spiritual experience reveals true values. [15] Spiritual values comprehended by doing will of God. [16] Spiritual values unceasingly drawn inward to God. [17]
Noble values foreshadowed in primitive peoples. [18] Nothing of survival values ever lost. [19] Persistence of true values. [20] Religion conserves, exalts, and spiritualizes values. [21]
No attainable true values apart from God. [22] Pray only for v., not things. [23] Values can never be static. [24] Values must not become disproportionate. [25]