Chinese state's development was delayed by thorough conquests, unlike the red man's, who suffered from excessive warfare. [1] The fatal weakness of Ikhnaton’s gospel was its greatest truth: that Aton created not only Egypt but the whole world, man, beasts, and foreign lands. [2]
Attempting to clarify the complexities of how living beings control the universe's master circuits would only increase confusion, as they are both living and personal entities beyond human understanding. [3] Ignorance may be necessary for success in understanding the secrets of Father fragments and other unrevealed beings beyond our conceptual capacity. [4]
Despite its regrettable nature, national egotism has played a crucial role in social survival throughout history, intertwining with the chosen people doctrine to forge tribal bonds and nations; however, true societal progress can only be achieved by conquering all forms of intolerance, which can be best addressed through the integration of science, commerce, recreation, and spirituality. [5] The discovery of pottery through observing burned clay huts led to the independent origin of basket weaving and other ancient arts. [6]
Simon Zelotes was motivated to continue working by the belief that Jesus would soon return, which was reinforced by the misunderstanding of Jesus' words about John not dying before his return. [7]
The submergence of Eden coincided with the accumulation of the violet race's reserves for world rehabilitation, suggesting a deliberate timing rather than divine punishment or human error. [8]