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Approaches universe from outside. [1] Atheistic science was father of secularism. [2] Benefited most from printing press. [3] Cannot create matter or life. [4] Cannot prove existence of God, soul. [5] Confers increasing liberty on mankind. [6] Destroyed childlike illusions, materialistic faith. [7] Discoveries not real until unraveled and correlated in scientist’s consciousness. [8] Emancipated woman. [9] Engaged in agelong contest between truth and error. [10] Facts set forth in Urantia Papers do not anticipate new discoveries. [11] Final physical discoveries made in era of light and life. [12] Has no lasting quarrel with true religion. [13] Honest search for true causes gave birth to. [14] Identifies, analyzes, and classifies segmented parts of the cosmos. [15] Imagination and conjecture extend borders of. [16] Jesus’ discourse on science at Athens. [17] Materialistic science harbors seeds of own destruction. [18] Often too self-confident and dogmatic. [19] Philosophy cannot be predicated on observations of. [20] Purifies religion by destroying superstition. [21] Religion is mother of science. [22] Should extend man’s horizon. [23] Should not discount religion on basis of credulity. [24] Study continues in celestial worlds. [25] Teaches man language of mathematics. [26] Teachings of Prince’s staff. [27] The more science one knows, the less sure one is. [28] Thought domain of mathematics; assumes matter, motion, and life. [29] Thrives best in cities. [30] Weakened only religions dependent upon fear, superstition, and emotion. [31]