This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Diversion and relaxation on Mount Sartaba. [1] Early cause of war was desire for. [2] Echoes of a backward glance. [3]
Admired Greek games. [4] Established mid-week holiday for recreation. [5] Introduced idea of wholesome recreation. [6]
Not Father’s will only to partake of serious things. [7]
Ever alternates with service. [8] Is restful. [9] Play life of child Jesus. [10] Urantia play life philosophically sound. [11] Worship is the refreshing play of Paradise. [12]
Play largely derived from Adamic stock. [13] Provision for recreation on morontia worlds. [14] Rest and all wholesome pastimes prevent monotony. [15] Reversion enjoyed everywhere but on Paradise. [16]