The spornagia are animal caretakers of architectural spheres in the local universe. [1]
The spornagia on Jerusem astound with their artistic cultivation of the land for ornamental effects, acting as the landscape gardeners of the headquarters worlds. [2]
Beautiful spornagia inhabit constellations, where they are ministered to by the supervisor seraphim and the univitatia on the architectural worlds of Norlatiadek. [3]
Spornagia, not Adjuster indwelt, enjoy long lives, sometimes lasting up to forty to fifty thousand standard years, and reincarnate despite lacking survival souls. [4] All Jerusem assembles to welcome the triumphant ascenders, even the spornagia delight in the arrival of mansion world graduates. [5] Spornagia have individuality but not personality, react to the first 5 adjutant mind-spirits, and can experience reincarnation. [6] The spornagia are hospitable hosts to all beings they recognize, including finaliters and salvaged children on transitional world number one. [7]
The faithful spornagia minister to the physical needs of probationary nursery children on the finaliter world as they grow up and make their final choice. [8] Spornagia are not evolutionary beings; their possible spiritual destiny is a topic of speculation. [9] These creatures procreate and exhibit traits of a horse, dog, and chimpanzee, unlike any other animals on the evolutionary worlds. [10] Visualize morontia, angelic, and lower spirit personalities, but.
Spornagia, not finaliters, are beautiful and intelligent creatures on architectural worlds who show gratitude for attention, recognize morontia creations, and participate in spiritual devotions out of affection for their masters. [11]
Celestial artisans direct the spornagia in the biologic beautification of architectural worlds, utilizing living materials to capture their ideals and adorn public spaces with creative decorations. [12]
See also: UB 46:7.