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1 Associate Inspector embodies authority of Seven Supreme Executives to each. [1] 1 Tertiary Circuit Supervisor stationed in each. [2] 10 million inhabitable worlds in. [3] 100 constellations are autonomous units of. [4] 100 local power centers stationed on headquarters of each. [5] Ambassadors represent. [6] Angels of local universes are seraphim, cherubim, and midwayers. [7] Basic creative units of superuniverses. [8] Bright and Morning Stars are chief executives of. [9]
Archangels’ circuit. Energy circuits and power lanes bind together. [10] Energy directionized from superuniverse capitals. [11] Mind circuit on Urantia first operational in days of Andon and Fonta. [12] Spirit circuits flow through Mother Spirits. [13] Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, and mind circuits. [14]
Courts involved with everything except creature extinction, default of local universe Sons, or readmission of quarantined worlds. [15]
Choose space sites for l.u.; Architects of Master Universe approve. [16] Make and rule the local universes. [17]
Customarily exchange ambassadors. [18] Duplications of Havona. [19] Each has a Union of Days as Trinity representative. [20] Father not personal creator of local universes. [21] God’s relation to. [22]
Are morontia spheres. [23] Ascenders have 491 successive morontia bodies in local universes. [24] Mortals evolve to true spirits on. [25] Special probationary nurseries maintained on local universes. [26]
Almost infinite variety of Creator Sons’ plans for local universes. [27] Master Spirits more active. [28] Possibilities for physical expansion must be exhausted; spirit status settled. [29]
Law of local universes originates in constellation legislatures. [30] Neighboring universes to Nebadon. [31] Orders of native creatures quite varied. [32] Organization. [33] Our local universe is Nebadon. [34] Permanent citizenry. [35] Personalities of. [36]
100 4th order Power Centers assigned to each local universe. [37] All are evolutionary. [38] All born of circular gaseous nebulae. [39] All have same energy charge. [40] Defined by presence of local universe Mother Spirit. [41] Force Organizers leave when Creator Son arrives. [42] Many nebulae may be encompassed within. [43] No clear lines of physical demarcation between. [44] Spheres of each travel together as contiguous unit. [45] Take shape because of space presence of Mother Spirit, power centers, and material control of Creator Son. [46]
Requirements for admission into superuniverse confederation. [47] Similarities of worlds in same local universe. [48] Sons of God of local universes are Melchizedeks, Vorondadeks, Lanonandeks, Life Carriers. [49] Spirit fusion provides local universes with permanent ascendant citizenship. [50] Star students on capitals. [51] Will of Creator Sons is law of local universes. [52] Work of conciliating commissions for local universes. [53]
See also: UB 32; UB 33; UB 55:10; UB 32:1-2.