In each local universe, the Creator Son personifies the inseparability of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son to the inhabitants of ten million worlds. [1]
The physical conditions on individual planets are influenced by local factors within the same system, leading to similarities in worlds within a local universe. [2]
Each local universe, composed of 100 constellations, is an autonomous unit governed by a Creator Son of God and blessed by the presence of a Union of Days representing the Paradise Trinity. [3]
Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, is located in the minor sector of Ensa, which is number eighty-four, and has one hundred constellations, with Norlatiadek being number seventy, consisting of one hundred local systems, including Jerusem, the headquarters world of Satania in system number twenty-four. [4]
Nebadon is surrounded by neighboring universes Avalon, Henselon, Sanselon, Portalon, Wolvering, Fanoving, and Alvoring in the superuniverse circuit of Orvonton. [5]
Local universes are duplications of Havona, with the Father's deity presence being the only exception. [6] God is not the personal creator of local universes, as they are created and organized by the Paradise corps of the Creator Sons. [7] God’s participation in local universes is personal and active, working through ordained agencies and personalities for the welfare of all creation. [8] One hundred fourth-order Supreme Power Centers are vital to maintaining balance and distribution of energies within our local universe. [9]
All local universes are evolutionary, as they gradually develop the physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities of their diverse inhabitants, unlike the perfectly settled and eternal universe of Havona. [10]
All material creations are born of circular gaseous nebulae, evolving into spiral formations before ending as star clusters or large suns with planets resembling our solar system. [11]
Each local universe, organized from nebulae, embraces one one-hundred-thousandth of the total energy charge of a superuniverse, which is universally distributed. [12] Presence of local universe Mother Spirit defines Nebadon, setting it apart from other local creations. [13] Upon the arrival of the Creator Son, Force Organizers relinquish control to power directors from the superuniverse. [14] Many nebulae may be encompassed within some local universes, as energy is universally distributed and not organized by nebulae. [15] There are no clear lines of physical demarcation between the local universes due to their unique administrative organization and origin from nebulae. [16] Local universes are composed of diverse nebular ancestry, yet travel together as contiguous units over the orbits of the superuniverse. [17]
The local universe takes shape due to the space presence of Mother Spirit, power centers, and material control of Creator Son, following the proclamation of life projection and recognition in the Paradise Trinity. [18]
Local universes must achieve physical stability and spiritual loyalty to the Sovereign Son of God to be eligible for admission into the superuniverse confederation. [19]
Perfection is a progressive attainment in all realms except the central universe, where a pattern of perfection exists, guiding the almost infinite variety of Creator Sons' plans for local universes. [20]
As local universes progress towards settlement in light and life, the Master Spirits become more active, revealing the manifestation of God the Sevenfold in a cosmic evolution of increasing complexity. [21]
Local universes achieve settled status only once physical expansion is complete and the spiritual status of their inhabited worlds is permanently stabilized. [22]
Mansion worlds are part of the morontia spheres which facilitate mortal ascension in the local universe, sharing beauty and grandeur with higher spheres. [23] Ascenders undergo 491 successive morontia bodies in local universes, each phase facilitated by Morontia Power Supervisors. [24] Mortals evolve to true spirits on Edentia, transitioning from material to spiritual beings through a period of heavenly bliss and progression. [25] Special probation nurseries are maintained on finaliter spheres and universe headquarters for Adjusterless children of ascenders. [26]
The Architects of Master Universe approve the chosen space sites for local universes selected by the Paradise Sons of the primary order. [27] The Creator Sons make and rule the local universes, each unique in nature and diversity, as architects and sovereigns of their respective domains. [28] Each Local Universe is ruled by a co-ordinate Creator Son of God and has a Union of Days as Trinity representative. [29]
Sons of God of local universes include Melchizedeks, Vorondadeks, Lanonandeks, and Life Carriers, each with unique origins and roles in the divine hierarchy. [30]
The local universe's orders of permanent citizenship include Susatia, Univitatia, Material Sons, and Midway Creatures, constituting relatively permanent beings. [31]
Ambassadors and emissaries from local universes within the same superuniverse are selected from native orders of sonship, but Solitary Messengers are often sent to represent and interpret realms to avoid delay in communication. [32] The Seven Supreme Executives oversee the superuniverses, while Associate Inspectors embody their authority in local universes. [33] A Tertiary Circuit Supervisor is continuously created in groups of seven hundred by the Ancients of Days and assigned to each local universe. [34]
One hundred local power centers on Salvington function as energy hubs, directing and channeling energy circuits for interplanetary communication and universe organization. [35]
Ambassadors, consuls, and observers are appointed by judicial, legislative, and executive decree to represent universes, constellations, and systems within the confines of the local universe. [36] The Ministering Spirits of the Local Universes consist of seraphim, cherubim, and midwayers, serving as guides for mortal ascenders. [37] Paradise Sons of the primary order are the designers and builders of local universes, the basic creative units of superuniverses. [38]
The Bright and Morning Star, as chief executive of a local universe, guides and governs in the absence of a Michael Son, with invaluable advice from the Union of Days. [39]
In local universes, the orders of native creatures are quite varied, unique, diverse, and original, shaped by the differing attributes of the Creator Sons. [40]
The personalities of local universes, including the Bright and Morning Stars, Brilliant Evening Stars, Archangels, Most High Assistants, High Commissioners, Celestial Overseers, and Mansion World Teachers, serve under the Creator and Master Son, Michael, and the local universe Mother Spirit in the divine creation and administration of Nebadon. [41] Spirit-fused mortals, permanent citizens of local universes, may aspire to a Paradise destiny but cannot be certain of it. [42]
Star students on capitals acquire knowledge of the physical universe through observation and research, found in astronomer colonies on superuniverse and local universe worlds. [43]
The will of Creator Sons is the supreme law of local universes, while the Thought Adjusters gifted by the Universal Father remain isolated from ethical affairs within these creations. [44] Local universe courts are supreme in all matters except eternal life and death, Sons' default, and quarantined world readmission. [45]
The foundational law of local universes is established by constellation legislatures with the help of law forecasters who ensure alignment with the moral free will of creatures. [46] Conciliating commissions assist various entities in coordinating and administering the complexities of local universes. [47] Through the organization of Nebadon by the Creator Sons and their divine helpers, a vast and diverse universe is meticulously maintained and nurtured. [48]
About the archangels’ circuit see link below.
Energy circuits and power lanes bind together the spiral and other nebulae, initiating the physical evolution of stellar and planetary offspring in the local universes. [49]
The superuniverse capitals efficiently regulate energy to direct it towards their component local universes, influencing the balance and control of physical energies in organized space. [50] The mind circuit on Urantia became first operational in the days of Andon and Fonta. [51]
Spirit circuits flow through Mother Spirits, establishing currents and ordained circuits of spiritual influence throughout local universes as a transformation of the pre-existent associate of the Son's earlier physical universe organization. [52]
The Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, and mind circuits are the three distinct spirit circuits in the local universe of Nebadon, encompassing the bestowal spirit of the Creator Son, the Divine Minister's spirit circuit, and the intelligence-ministry circuit of the adjutant mind-spirits. [53]
See also: UB 32; UB 33; UB 32:1-2; UB 55:10.