They are more like circuits, not entities. [1] They do not function as personalities apart from Divine Minister, they are a level of consciousness of Mother Spirit. [2] They are the sevenfold mind bestowal of Mother Spirit. [3]
Represent that function of the mind ministry of the Infinite Spirit which is extended to the lower orders of intelligent life through the operations of a local universe Mother Spirit. [4]
The seven adjutants have been given the following names: the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of worship, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of courage, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of intuition—of quick perception. [5] The adjutant mind-spirits experientially grow, but they never become personal. [6] Adjutants of Mother Spirits are regarded as personalities, but with difficulties. [7] They are Master Spirit’s influence. [8] They appear in personality registers. [9]
Adjutant of quick perception, primitive reflex instincts; self-preservation. [10] Assists the four directional control beings of Salvington. [11] It is the only one to make extensive functional contact with the nonteachable levels of mechanical mind. [12] Ministers to subhuman mind. [13] At first, primordial animal life only had the function of the spirit of intuition in the instinctive an reflex behavior. [14]
This is he phenomenon of quick reasoning, rapid judgment, and prompt decision. [15] The gift of spontaneous association of ideas. [16] Ministers to subhuman mind. [17]
Mobilizes upon exhaustion of the capacity of animal life to give origin to prehuman individuals. [18] Allow animals to develop a crude form of protective self-consciousness. [19] It is the source of moral stamina and spiritual bravery. [20] Ministers to subhuman mind. [21]
It is the adjutant of curiosity, adventure, and discovery. [22] Ministers to subhuman mind. [23]
Adjutant of social co-operation and harmony. [24] Source of herd instinct. [25] Ministers to subhuman mind. [26]
Worship is the badge of spiritual-ascension candidacy. [27] Central lodgments of the adjutant spirits indicate the extent and quality of the mind function of the adjutants in worlds and individuals. [28] Minds capable of spirit of worship are inmediately included in spiritual circuits of Mother Spirit. [29] Sponsors truly religious reactions of man. [30] Ministers to midwayer mind. [31]
It is the adjutant of orderly and progressive eveolutionary advancement. [32] Andon’s decision to flee was first use of the spirit of wisdom. [33] Manifests in worshipful mind the tendency to direct adoration in ever-expanding concepts of Deity. [34] Censors man’s religious reactions. [35] Central lodgments of the adjutant spirits indicate the extent and quality of the mind function of the adjutants in worlds and individuals. [36] It is who coordinates all other adjutants. [37] Registers child’s first moral choice automatically. [38] Minds capable of spirit of wisdom are inmediately included in spiritual circuits of Mother Spirit. [39] Ministers to midwayer mind. [40]
Andonites’ feeling of intimate kinship was due to the enhanced ministry of the adjutant spirits. [41] Death everlastingly divorces man from the seven adjutant spirits; they do not function on mansion worlds and onwards. [42] They do never transmit one person’s experience to another. [43]
On an average evolutionary world the seven adjutant spirits are far better synchronized with the advancing stages of animal development than they were on Urantia. [44] A five-adjutant mind equivalates to sixth reality level, and it is a factor with persistence capability. [45] In the mortal experience the human intellect resides in the rhythmic pulsations of the adjutant mind-spirits. [46] Infinite Spirit ministers to mind through the adjutants of the local universes. [47] The presence of the seven adjutant mind-spirits is what makes evolution purposeful, to be intentional and not accidental. [48] Mind is an endowment of the seven adjutant mind-spirits. [49] Very much depends on the work of the seven adjutants, but they are not concerned in physical evolution, that is the domain of Life Carriers. [50]
Adjutant mind-spirits have a central emplacement from local universe headquarters and system capitals. [51] Central lodgments of the adjutant spirits indicate the extent and quality of the mind function of the adjutants in worlds and individuals. [52] The seven central emplacements of the adjutant mind-spirits are situated on the world #1 of the Life Carriers. [53]
Spirits from #1 to #5 function in animal orders. [54] Spirits from #1 to #5 function in spornagia. [55] Spirits from #1 to #7 function as moral intellect in humans. [56] Spirits from #6 and #7 only function with secondary midwayers; none with primary midwayers. [57] Adjutant spirits activate energy-matter. [58] Assist Life Carriers in their long work in loneliless. [59] Co-ordinate and qualify man for receiving Adjuster. [60] Collaborate with Master Physical Controllers; adjutants are for intelligent criatures what Controllers are for nonliving forces. [61] Adjutants evolve a new human body in their union with cosmic mind, the morontial body. [62] They still operate even in light and life stages. [63] Each adjutant independently seek receptivity capacity no matter if their fellows have achieved it. [64] Their influence diminishes after the third psychic circle. [65] Their initial full function on Urantia did not started until the notable day of the Andon and Fonta flight. [66] Lead races of men towards higher ideas and ideals. [67] Mother love is instinctive endowment of adjutant mind-spirits. [68] Mother Spirits endow life through the seven adjutants. [69]
The mechanical-nonteachable levels of organismal environmental response are the domains of the physical controllers. They do not make contact with the purely mechanical orders of organismal environmental response. [70] They are unified under direction of spirit of wisdom. [71]
Mind bestowal of adjutants, while not a physical evolution, is wholly dependent on the brain capacity afforded by purely physical and evolutionary developments. [72]
See also: UB 34:4.10; UB 36:5; UB 42:10.4; UB 65:7; UB 62:6.3-6; UB 62:6.3-6; UB 65:7.7; UB 85:7; UB 65:7.7; UB 85:7.