At Edentia there are 70 major divisions of celestial creatures. [1]
Before a Creator Son may engage in the creation of any new type of being, any new design of creature, he must secure the consent of the Eternal and Original Mother Son. [2] Father delegates everything possible on his creatures. [3]
The planetary creatures of God’s spirit indwelling, scattered hither and yon throughout the universes of space, are so nearly infinite in number and order. [4]
No entity has personality unless he is endowed with it by God who is spirit. Any mind entity that is not associated with either spiritual or physical energy is not a personality. [5] There are creatures of many other-than-personal types on Paradise spheres of Son. [6] Personality registers contains a list of all reveled creature types. [7] Intelligent beings are vertically related in twelve great groups of seven major divisions each. [8] Successive universe ages will redistribute personality groupings and in fact it happens now. [9]
Creatures crave association with other personal creatures. [10] Persons can only love and hate other persons. [11] All contactable creatures in spirit world are friendly. [12] All have potentially final destiny absolute in value. [13] All inhabit material worlds, even spirit beings. [14] All need opportunity for function and experience. [15]
All respond to compass direction. The four points of the compass are universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional currents. [16] All beings in all universes are fashioned along the lines of some one order of pattern creature living on some one of the billion worlds of Havona. [17]
Direct progeny of Father, Son, Spirit, or Trinity exhibit the characteristic unity of divinity. [18] The arrangement and association of morontia and spirit creatures produces majestic melodies. [19]
The impulses or sounds created by angles are spirit waves that in reality are the superb reflections of the glorious spirit-souls of the celestial hosts. [20]
Higher forms of spirits freely pass through ordinary matter. To material beings the spirit world is more or less unreal; to spirit beings the material world is almost entirely unreal. [21]
Material and early morontia beings must utilize mechanical means of transport, but spirit personalities proceed by liaison with the superior forces and spirit sources of energy. [22]