In the sixth century after Christ, Mohammed founded a religion with sublime ideals superior to many creeds of his time. [1] Islam provides deliverance from the rigorous moral standards of Judaism and Christianity, offering salvation from sin and sanctity. [2]
Islam's strength lies in the clear-cut presentation of Allah as the sole Deity, but its weakness is the use of military force for promulgation and the degradation of women. [3] Islam's strength lies in its clear-cut presentation of Allah as the only Deity, despite its weaknesses. [4] Islam is a great international, interracial faith. [5]
The Islamic faith perpetuates the Egyptian taboo on pork. [6]
The Koran's chapter on the evil eye and magic spells reveals the Jews' strong belief in them, leading to the development of the phallic cult as protection against it. [7] Islam failed to grasp the idea of the Trinity, struggling with the concept of three divine personalities within one Deity. [8] Islam's teachings on the inferiority of women have contributed to their difficult climb towards equality in many societies. [9]
Islam conquered Buddhism in northern India after it withered and expired before the onslaught of a militant Islam with its clear-cut concept of Allah as the supreme God of the universe. [10] Islam's rise overwhelmed the uncompromising teachings of Jesus spread by the Abnerian missionaries in Eastern Christianity. [11]
Despite the influence of Islam on India, Hinduism remains the oldest and most cosmopolitan religion, shaped by various spiritual and cultural influences across the centuries. [12] Nanak's synthesis of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism into Sikhism in the fifteenth century marked the evolution of a new, advanced religion in Asia. [13]
Jews excelled in virtue, yet their theological constraints hindered their contributions to Christianity and Islam. [14] Islam, Judaism, and Christianity were all influenced by the teachings of Zoroaster. [15]