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Art of coercing involuntary spirit aid; securing insight into future. [1] Attempt to manipulate God or reality without affecting the ego of manipulator. [2] Belief much sickness caused by. [3]
Cocoon of modern science. [4] Prepared way for superior religion by assuming reality of supermaterial beings. [5] Represented primitives’ desire to know and to control environment. [6]
Black magic ceremonies practiced by sorcerers, magicians, or witches with aid of irregular spirits. [7] Cure for defective magic was more magic. [8] Customary for practitioner to work unclothed. [9]
Burdensome to life from cradle to grave. [10] Devotees become lazy. [11] Devotees ignore score of failures. [12] Primitive man enslaved to. [13] Surrounded entire life of ancients. [14]
Gesture, older than speech, considered more magical. [15] Interpreted spirit messages. [16] Linguistic fossils. [17] Place in evolution of religious observances. [18] Practices derived from ancient superstitions. [19] Public and private phases. [20] Ritual of chants and incantations. [21] Sleight-of-hand feats employed by shamans. [22] Slow to give way to foresight, self-denial, and industry. [23] Supposed efficacy of images. [24] White magic ceremonials practiced by priests or shamans. [25]
See also: UB 88:4-6.