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Advanced religion of ancient times. [1] Apostles at first imposed Judaism upon converts. [2]
Apocalyptists taught Jews’ sufferings were penalties for. Nation’s sins. [3] Authority was watchword. [4] Blindness caused by sin. [5] Consorting with deceased brother’s widow. [6] Creation account. [7] Eating with unwashed hands punishable by excommunication. [8] Health teachings of Caligastia 100 persisted in garbled form to days of Moses. [9] Jews merged celestial rulers into composite Deity. [10] Prophets proclaimed God the Father of Israel. [11] Redemption of first-born sons. [12] Religion of good works, slavery to law. [13] Religious dogma so crystallized as to jeopardize further growth. [14] Teaching centered on knowing God. [15] Trinitarian Elohim part of theology after Babylon. [16] Uncertain regarding life after death. [17] Without shedding blood no remission of sin. [18]
Clearer recognition of Father than any religion. [19] Deficient in philosophy and aesthetics, but conserved moral values. [20] Deficient in science. [21]
Joseph father of Jesus held to eastern. [22] Levant adopted western viewpoint. [23] Mary mother of Jesus leaned toward western. [24]
Educational program in Galilee. [25] Evolutionary link between religions of evolution and revelation. [26] Failed to associate goodness of God with science and art. [27]
Jesus thought ceremonies pathetic. [28]
Dedication. [29]
1-1/2 million attended. [30] Celebrated in Jerusalem when possible. [31] Commandment not to leave sacrifice until morning. [32] Commemorated Jews’ emergence from racial slavery. [33] Customs. [34] Hebrew ritual. [35]
Death coincidental to Passover. [36] Determined to establish a bloodless Passover. [37] First Passover at Jerusalem. [38]
Jews did not want Jesus’ body exposed on. [39] Lambs sacrificed at. [40] Moses established; institution antedated. [41] No secular work done or gentile buildings entered on. Preparation day for. [42] Pardon by Roman governor at. [43] Sacrament must consist of most primitive viand. [44] Smearing blood on doorposts was outgrowth of child sacrifice. [45] Temple head tax payable at. [46] Women seldom attended. [47]
7 weeks after Passover; established by Moses. [48] Festival of baptism. [49]
Feast of Esther and Israel’s deliverance. [50]
Annual holiday of all Palestine; established by Moses. [51] Feast of harvest ingathering. [52]
Fetish hut elevated by Moses to harbor law of God. [53] Ganid’s abstract of. [54] Great international, interracial faith. [55]
Christianity. [56] Islam. [57]
Amenemope. [58] Babylonian captivity. [59] Egypt. [60] Ikhnaton. [61] Philo. [62] Platonism and Stoicism. [63] Zoroastrianism. [64]
Jesus’ antagonism with Judaism always positive. [65] Jesus did not participate in any sacrificial service. [66] Levites officiated in Jerusalem temple. [67] Micah attacked sacrificial system. [68] Monotheistic zeal eclipsed teachings of Trinity. [69] Only Jerusalemites permitted to witness daily sacrifices. [70]
Jesus in constant collision with. [71] Jesus resented those misrepresentative of Father. [72] Minute regulations invaded every domain of life. [73] Misinterpreted sacred writings. [74] Sanhedrists deserted commandments of God while holding to oral law. [75] Viewed as ordained by Abraham; more sacred than Scripture. [76]
Persisted because of institutions. [77] Predicated on Melchizedek’s covenant with Abraham. [78] Promised salvation from difficulties. [79] Rapidly expanding in times of Jesus. [80] Religion of moral sublimity. [81] Renaissance dates from Greek translation of Scriptures. [82]
Andonic animal sacrifice preserved in. [83] Inconsistent and absurd; Jesus thought ceremonies pathetic. [84] Purification after childbirth. [85] Sabbath service described. [86] Shema was creed of faith. [87]
Saved by intervention of Babylonian teachers. [88] Secret of survival was centralization of worship at Jerusalem. [89] Tolerated fringe of gentile believers. [90] Various Deity titles defined. [91]
See also: UB 97:10; UB 121:6; UB 121:6.9; UB 166:5.4; UB 123:3.5; UB 125:1.5; UB 134:9.3; UB 123:3.5; UB 142; UB 123:3.5; UB 125:1.5; UB 96:0.3.