The material of Havona consists of the organization of exactly 1,000 basic chemical elements and the balanced function of the seven #10# of Havona energy. The local universes are of decimal construction. There are just 100 elements in a dual universe; that is the maximum possible organization of matter in Nebadon. These 100 forms of matter consist of a regular series in which from 1 to 100 electrons revolve around a central nucleus. [1]
The first 27 atoms, those containing 1 to 27 orbital electrons, are more predictable. From the 28th onwards we encounter more and more of the unpredictability of the supposed presence of the Unqualified Absolute. [2] Above 90, electrons may escape more or less freely from the control of the mother nucleus. [3] Architectural spheres have 100 chemical elements, like evolved planets, plus 100 chemical elements of morontia material. [4] All the architectural worlds abound in crystals and the so-called precious metals. [5] The heavier atoms are not found on the surface of many worlds. [6]
The atomic world does display a certain periodic characterization which recurs in groups of seven—a birthmark carried by this material world indicative of its far-distant spiritual origin. [7] Radioactive elements are brought in by meteors. [8] Transmutation of elements is the source of solar energy. [9]
Chemical elements that appear named in The Urantia Book: