Urantia is one of many inhabited planets in Nebadon, a local universe within the superuniverse of Orvonton, which is part of the greater creation of divine perfection. [1] Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, is surrounded by ten university clusters of forty-nine spheres each, where man is spiritualized. [2]
The Master Son, Michael, focuses on creation, sustenance, and ministry, while the high courts of Nebadon, supervised by Gabriel, handle all judicial matters except for issues of extinction, Universe Son default, and revocations of quarantines. [27] Nebadon is the universe created and ruled by Michael, the personification of divinity and infinity in his realm. [28]
Gabriel, chief executive of Nebadon, holds executive power and jurisdictional authority delegated by the Creator Son and the local universe Mother Spirit. [29] Legislative bodies in Nebadon are located on the headquarters of the one hundred constellations, while Salvington focuses on adjudication. [30]
In Nebadon, no groups have evolved to the point of becoming voluntary collaborators with the finaliters in the settled constellations in light and life. [31]
The administration of Nebadon is entrusted to the Creator Son, who, in conjunction with the local universe Mother Spirit, forms and executes plans, policies, and administrative acts. [32] The universe of Nebadon is being forged between the anvil of justice and the hammer of suffering, overseen by the merciful and loving Infinite Spirit. [33] During this period, the supreme council of Salvington and the Ancients of Days of Uversa were in communication regarding the universe of Nebadon. [34]
The System Sovereigns of Nebadon are intrusted with unusual personal prerogatives, exercising wide powers with disloyalty shown only three times in history. [35] The space presence of the Creative Spirit pervades Nebadon, setting it apart from the extra-Nebadon regions of the superuniverse of Orvonton. [36] Those High in Authority recently from Nebadon include ascendant mortals trinitized as Mighty Messengers. [37] The soul-identity of Jesus, built up during his life on Earth, may be released for leadership of finaliters in Nebadon. [38]
The higher orders of Nebadon are bilingual, speaking both the language of Nebadon and the tongue of Uversa. [39]
The alphabet of Nebadon, with 48 symbols, is less elaborate than the concept symbols of Uversa, which embrace over a billion characters despite an alphabet of only seventy symbols. [40] Mastering both local universe and Uversa languages before arriving on Jerusem ensures proficiency at all levels of ascension. [41]
Andon and Fonta, also known as Sonta-an and Sonta-en, embodied human perfection hunger and were bestowed their names at the time of fusion with their Thought Adjusters in Nebadon. [42]
The physical aspects of Nebadon are defined by the presence of the Creative Spirit, extending to the borders of our local universe. [43] Less than three percent of inhabited worlds in Nebadon are populated by nonbreathing intelligent beings. [44] The four points of compass inherent in Nebadon guide all living creatures in orientation and direction. [45]
Nebadon's architectural spheres showcase ten diverse divisions of physical life, offering boundless possibilities for biologic beautification and artistic representation using living materials. [46]
Ninety percent of worlds in Nebadon have Adjuster-fusion mortals, determined by their relation to the indwelling Mystery Monitor during prefusion experience. [47] Nebadon is situated near the edge of Orvonton, over 200,000 light-years from the central sun cluster of the seventh superuniverse. [48] From the far edge of Nebadon to Uversa is a distance of 250,000 light years. [49]
In Nebadon, there exist 647,591 architectural spheres where two unusual orders play a significant role in maintaining the vast organization of the local universe. [50] Nebadon, a young cluster in Orvonton, currently boasts 3,840,101 inhabited planets with many more in the works. [51] Antares is the largest star in Nebadon, each sun having plenty of space like oranges in a hollow planet. [52]
The seven superuniverses traverse a well-charted counterclockwise swing around Paradise, ensuring the orderly journey of our solar system and other worlds within the local universe. [53] Nebadon swings around Sagittarius in its settled orbit within Orvonton's minor sector. [54] Urantia, in the local universe of Nebadon, is part of the superuniverse of Orvonton, which includes the minor sector of Ensa. [55]
Nebadon is located in the superuniverse circuit of Orvonton, bordering nearby local universes such as Avalon, Henselon, Sanselon, Portalon, Wolvering, Fanoving, and Alvoring. [56]
Salvington, the headquarters of Nebadon, is positioned at the precise energy-mass center of the local universe, which is not a single astronomic system, despite a significant system being located at its physical center. [57]
Despite not being in settled circuits, Nebadon remains hopeful for admission into the spiritual confederation of the perfected union of the supercreation. [58]
The oldest inhabited planets in Nebadon are 200 billion years old, originating during the progression of contraction and condensation in the Andronover central cluster. [59] Nebadon, one of the newer creations in Orvonton, is located on the outer southeast edge of the Grand Universe. [60]
Nebadon was physically assembled from the stellar and planetary progeny of Andronover and other nebulae, encompassing diverse nebular ancestry yet forming a cohesive unit traveling through the superuniverse. [61] The headquarters of Nebadon, Salvington, sits at the precise energy-mass midpoint of the expansive local universe. [62] Nebadon's diverse spheres share a minimum commonness of space motion, uniting them in a contiguous orbit within the local universe. [63] About the time in Nebadon see link about time. Work on Nebadon began 400 billion years ago when Michael of Nebadon chose it as the site for building a universe. [64]
The first rebellion by Lutentia in system 11 of constellation 37 disrupted the tranquility of Nebadon after nearly 150 million years of peace following the Melchizedek bestowal of Michael. [65]
The second rebellion in system 87 of constellation 61 in Nebadon was swiftly addressed with the arrival of a mysterious Material Son, approved by higher authorities. [66]
Our universe, Nebadon, has experienced significant administrative trouble due to the high degree of personal liberty given to our Lanonandek Sons, leading to a higher loss of this order than any other local universe in Orvonton, except Henselon. [67]