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Administration. [1] Being forged out between anvil of justice and hammer of suffering. [2]
1 Associate Inspector. [3] 1 Bright and Morning Star. 1 Creator Son. 1 directional control creature. 1 Father Melchizedek. 1 local universe Mother Spirit. 1 Universe Circuit Supervisor, Tertiary. [4] 3 million Celestial Overseers. [5] 70 billion Morontia Companions. [6] 75 Celestial Recorders. [7] 100 Supreme Power Centers. [8] 400 million Universal Conciliators. [9] 500 million High Commissioners. [10] 500 million Technical Advisors. [11] 10,000 Assigned Sentinels. [12] 13,641 Brilliant Evening Stars. [13] 800,000 archangels. [14] 161,432,840 Material Sons on local system capitals. [15] Cherubim and sanobim. Lanonandek Sons. Life Carriers. Mansion World Teachers. Material Sons of God. Melchizedek Sons. Midwayers. Most High Assistants, many millions. [16] Salsatia, Census Director. [17] Seconaphim. [18] Seraphim. Solitary Messengers. [19] Spirit-fused mortals. [20] Spironga. [21] Spornagia. [22] Supernaphim. [23] Susatia. [24] Tertiaphim. [25] Univitatia. [26] Vorondadek Sons.
Courts of Nebadon are supreme except for issues of extinction, Universe Son default, revocations of quarantines; supervised by Gabriel. [27] Created and ruled by Michael. [28] Gabriel is chief executive. [29]
48 symbols in alphabet. [30] Mastered before leaving 4th mansonia. [31] Meaning of “Andon” and “Fonta”. [32]
Legislatures located on constellations. [33] Local universe in which Urantia is located. [34] No constellations in light and life. [35]
3% of worlds are nonbreather. [36] 4 points of compass inherent in. [37] 10 standard divisions of physical life on architectural spheres. [38] 90% of worlds are Adjuster-fusion types. [39] 200,000 light years from Jerusem to Uversa. [40] 250,000 light years from far edge of Nebadon to Uversa. [41] 647,591 architectural spheres. [42] 3,840,101 inhabited planets. [43] Antares is largest star in. [44] Counterclockwise swing around Paradise. [45] In rotation around Sagittarius. [46] Local universe #84 in minor sector of Ensa. [47] Neighboring local universes. [48] Not one single astronomic system, though a large system exists at physical center. [49] Not in settled circuits. [50] Oldest inhabited planets are 200 billion years old. [51] One of newer creations in Orvonton; on outer southeast edge. [52] Physically assembled out of Andronover and other nebulae. [53] Salvington is at energy-mass center of. [54] Spheres share minimum commonness of space motion. [55] Time. Work begun on Nebadon 400 billion years ago. [56]
Salvington is capital of. [57] Some Mighty Messengers and Those High in Authority recently from. [58] Soul-identity of Jesus may be released for leadership of finaliters in. [59]
1st by Lutentia. [60] 2nd in system 87 of constellation 61. [61] 3rd. Lost more Lanonandeks to rebellion than any local universe in Orvonton, except Henselon. [62]
Supreme council of Salvington. [63] System Sovereigns intrusted with unusual personal prerogatives. [64] That which is pervaded by our Mother Spirit is Nebadon. [65]
See also: UB 33; UB 41; UB 44:4.3,7; UB 41.