All creatures inhabit material abodes, including the divine beings of Paradise. [1] All mortal-inhabited planets are evolutionarily settled and stabilized in time and space as part of their spiritual progression. [2] Ideal planets for intelligent life are cold accretion planets in good relationship to a sun. [3] Each inhabited evolutionary planet is ruled over by a Planetary Prince within a system governed by a System Sovereign. [4] If physical catastrophe dooms a planet, the dematerialization technique is used to evacuate the salvable population. [5] Powerful transformers insulate planets from energy streams, maintaining universal balance and adjusting energy levels as needed.". [6]
Evolutionary planets are the initial worlds of ascending mortal career, where you are joined with your divine Thought Adjuster on Urantia, your starting point, in a temporary union, with the reward of eternal unity awaiting those who sincerely run the race of time. [7]
Although all planets in a local system exhibit physical similarities, each has its own unique array of plant and animal life due to the decisions made by the Life Carriers, whose actions are always guided by law and order. [8] God calls all planets by name, for he knows all things and his divine consciousness encompasses every aspect of creation. [9] Governmental techniques of a universe cannot retard development. [10] Havona's immense planets are uniquely balanced and utilize antigravity for material and spiritual harmony. [11] The epoch of the planets extends from the appearance of the morontia temple to the settling of the system in light and life. [12]
All mortal-inhabited worlds are evolutionary in origin and nature, serving as training schools for the ascendant life stage just ahead, categorized into local systems with limited evolutionary planets, where only mortals of survival status reside, following a strict decree of the Ancients of Days. [13] Mortals transported by seraphim never return to their native planets during the same dispensation. [14] On each inhabited planet, only one bestowal Son will serve in the course of history. [15] Only planets in the main circuits of the superuniverse are assured of continuous survival, settled worlds destined to last through all future ages. [16]
System Centers ensure efficient distribution of power to inhabited planets through the perfect coordination of material energies and regulation of physical power. [17] About series one, two, and three of planets see link about mortals.
From variable stars giving origin to subsidiary systems, to the physical aspects of individual planets determined by mode of origin, astronomical situation, and physical environment, the creation of planets varies greatly in the universe. [18] Collisions of dead suns create widespread energy fluctuations, influencing the formation of planetary bodies for mortal habitation. [19] Gas-contraction planets experience great physical disturbances in their early stages, including frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. [20] Enormous suns with a high rate of revolution create centrifugal planetary daughters. [21] In certain sectors of space, small planets slowly accumulate through meteoric accretion and minor collisions, forming inhabited worlds. [22] The physical aspects of planets are largely determined by their mode of origin, with molten-split worlds sometimes lacking extensive mountain ranges. [23]
The near approach of an enormous mass to a sun can initiate explosive eruptions, resulting in the formation of solid planets in a new planetary system. [24] The appearance of retrograde motion in any astronomic system is always accidental and results from collisions with foreign space bodies. [25] Sun fission creates gravity-deficiency spheres, giving birth to new double stars and small planets. [26]
God created the universe to be eventually inhabited by diverse intelligent beings who could know and love Him. [27]
Only three planets in our solar system are currently suitable for habitation by beings of our order, with not 1 in 40 in the superuniverse being habitable. [28] Not all planets are suited for mortal life due to their size, axial revolution rate, or oppressive gravity. [29]
Solitary Messengers investigate small dark planets best suited to life experiments, guided by clues from space contemplators and the knowledge withheld by the Paradise Deities. [30]
The physical aspects of planets are largely determined by their mode of origin, astronomical situation, physical environment, age, size, rate of revolution, and velocity through space - with water and air present on all planets if not too small. [31]