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All creatures inhabit material abodes. [1] All mortal-inhabited planets are evolutionary. [2] Cold accretion planets in good relationship to a sun are best for life. [3] Decimal planets. Each evolutionary planet ruled over by a Planetary Prince. [4] Emptied of salvable personalities if physical catastrophe dooms. [5] Energy transformers insulate planets against energy. [6] Evolutionary planets are initial worlds of ascending mortal career. [7] Evolutionary processes vary greatly; no two exactly alike. [8] God calls all planets by name. [9] Governmental techniques of universe cannot retard development of. [10] Havona has largest planets in grand universe. [11] In light and life. [12] Inhabited planets. [13] Mortals never return to native planets in same dispensation. [14] Only one bestowal Son serves on each. [15] Only those in main circuits of superuniverse assured of continuous survival. [16]
Collisions of dead suns. [17] Gas-contraction. [18] High rate of revolution of mother sun. [19] Meteoric accretion. [20] Molten-split. [21] Near approach of great mass to a sun. [22] Retrograde motion always result of foreign space bodies. [23] Sun fission. [24]
Series one, two, and three.
All planets made to be eventually inhabited. [25] Not 1 in 40 suitable for habitation. [26] Not all planets suited to harbor mortal life. [27] Small dark planets best suited to life experiments. [28] Water and air on all planets if not too small. [29]
System Centers dispatch power to inhabited. [30]
See also: UB 41:10; UB 57:5-7.