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7 sacred worlds of. [1] Absolutum is original nonspiritual expression of. [2] All goodness takes origin in. [3]
Center of Centers. [4] Creator. [5] Creator, Controller, Upholder, First Person of Deity. [6] First Person of Deity. [7] First Source and Center. [8] God. Havona Father. [9] I AM. Other titles. [10] Paradise Father. [11] The Infinite.
Attainment of Universal Father is passport to eternity. [12]
Always one of divine affection. [13] Cares what man is, not what he does. [14] Commandment to become perfect. [15] Deals with personalities, not universes. [16] Delegation of power limits his presence in recognition of prerogatives of subordinates. [17] Delights in his children. [18] Desired Jesus pursue his bestowal to its natural end. [19] Desires to be revealed to us. [20] Doings are all purposeful, wise, and eternally considerate of all concerned. [21] Gives part of himself to be our eternal self. [22] Grieves when his children fail. [23] Has ordained spiritual free will. [24] Loves his children. [25] Loves not like a father but as a father. [26] Loves the sinner, hates the sin. [27] Loves the righteous and the unrighteous. [28] Loves with affection that is true, holy, divine, unlimited,. Eternal, and unique. [29] Never imposes arbitrary recognition. [30] Never intervenes in relationships between creatures. [31] Never torn by conflicting attitudes. [32] No respecter of persons, races, or generations. [33] Not in hiding. [34] Not willing any should perish. [35] Reveals himself to maximum extent possible. [36] Seeks sinners before they think of repentance. [37] Sin does not alienate affections of. [38] Yearns for our association. [39]
Bestows life through his Sons. [40] Consciousness of. [41] Creator Sons compensate for invisibility of. [42]
Father has distributed himself to his 6 absolute co-ordinates. [43] Father retires to give his children opportunity for experience and function. [44] Freely distributes himself; is not self-centered. [45] Has reserved all final decisions; may act independently; power delegated can be exercised direct. [46] May at any time interpose a fatherly hand in the stream of cosmic events. [47] Not silent or inactive. [48] Reserves only powers impossible to delegate – what is necessary to maintain all else. [49] Resigned exercise of all direct personal power in behalf of Supreme Creators. [50]
Abides on Paradise and in human minds. [51] Absolute in liberty of action. [52] Absolutes of energy and spirit converge in. [53] All things consist in. [54] Always self-realizing on ever-expanding arena of time-space. [55] Appears personally outside Havona only as pure energy and pure spirit. [56] Attributes. [57] Being of final goodness plus will of creative infinity. [58] Best understood in Jesus’ life. [59] Cause of all material phenomena. [60] Center and circumference of spiritual kingdom. [61] Consists in spirit, manifests as love. [62] Convergence of all universal lines of gravity. [63] Differentiation from I AM. [64] Discernible from finite to infinite. [65] Divinely unified personality. [66] Draws nearest to mortals with Adjusters and personality circuit. [67] Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit liberate from personality absolutism. [68] Existence beyond demonstration except by Adjuster. [69] Exists before spirit. [70] Explanation of universal unity. [71] Farthest removed from, and most intimately associated with, planetary mortals. [72] Father idea is highest human concept of God. [73] Father of every individual. [74] Geographical location eternally fixed on upper Paradise. [75] Has no outside. [76] He who has seen a Creator Son has seen. [77] He who has seen Jesus has seen. [78] In Him we live, move, and have our being. [79] In personal touch with all personalities. [80] Infinite in love and volition; universal upholder. [81] Infinitely more complex than the universes. [82] Is absolute will, volition. [83] Is absolutely independent. [84] Is changeless. [85] Is eternal. [86] Is I AM. [87] Is infinite. [88] Is invisible. [89] Is law. [90] Is love. [91] Is omnipotent. [92] Is omnipresent. [93] Is omniscient. [94] Is perfect. [95] Is personality. [96] Is present with the Eternal Son and in the Infinite Spirit. [97] Is primal. [98] Is self-existent. [99] Is sovereign. [100] Is unity. [101] Jesus revealed the Father, but taught little about him. [102] Law of Universal Father and will of Universal Father. [103] Limited only by volition. [104] Located by faith. Maintains personal relations with all his creatures. [105] Man cannot see Universal Father until Paradise. [106] Manifests himself in the usual, normal way. [107] Man’s eternal destination. [108] Most inescapable of all presences. [109] Nature. [110] Only infinity can disclose. [111] Only Jesus knew. [112] Only Son and Spirit know as infinity. [113] Origin and destiny of personality. [114] Paradise and Eternal Son are simultaneously eternalized. Antipodal revelations of. [115] Personal source of all Deity and reality. [116] Personality of infinity minus absolute personality of Eternal. Son. [117] Personality of the Infinite. [118] Realization of Universal Father inalienable. [119] Revealed within qualities of divinity. [120] Rodan on personality of. [121] Sin not part of consciousness of. [122] Source of flood-streams of life, energy, and personality to universes. [123] Speaks to universes only through Eternal Son. [124] Speaks within heart as still, small voice. [125] Testimony by Divine Counselor. [126] Thought Adjuster is image of. [127] Transcends all mind, matter, and spirit. [128] Unifies 7 Absolutes. [129] Unqualifiedly self-conscious. [130] What Universal Father is not. [131]
Direct worship to Father alone. [132] Final destiny of all personalities is final knowing of. [133] Finding.
Acts through Creator Sons in local universes. [134] As absolute Deity, only in Trinity. [135] As absolute personality, functions as Eternal Son. [136] As Creator, only in conjunction with Eternal Son. [137] As physical controller, through Paradise. [138] Bestows Thought Adjusters. [139] Comes to us as a personality only through the divine Sons. [140] Directly through Thought Adjusters. [141] Exercises immediate personal control over master functions of infinity through triunities. [142] Father is present in our hearts by our Master Spirit. [143] Has concentrated all potential reality in Paradise. [144] Maintains contact through personality circuit. [145] Not personally responsible for everything. [146] On prepersonal, personal, and superpersonal levels. [147] Outside Havona. [148] Over all 4 absolute-gravity circuits. [149] Participates in our struggles, our experience with immaturity. [150] Participates through ordained agencies. [151] Personally controls pure energy, pure spirit, and gravity. [152] Presides over pre-energy, prespirit, and personality. [153] Self-bestowal does not lessen potential. [154] Sole source of personality. [155]
God the Sevenfold provides progressive approach to. [156] Idea of Universal Father’s personality brought by revelation. [157] In Uversa personality register. [158] Lucifer charged Universal Father did not exist. [159] Mandate to achieve perfection. Methods of contact with man. [160] Name stands for degree of enthronement in heart. [161] No argument concerning his reality would ever be convincing. [162] No man attains Universal Father except through Eternal Son. [163] No man goes to Universal Father except through Michael. [164] Paradox of fatherhood. [165] Parental relationship essential to understanding Universal Father. [166] Personally present on Paradise, but does not indwell minds of. Paradise-Havona beings. [167] Presences of Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit enshroud. [168] Whosoever receives Jesus, receives Universal Father. [169] Words and acts of subordinates attributed to. [170] Worship U.F., first because he is. [171]
See also: UB 1; UB 2; UB 3; UB 4; UB 5; UB 0:3; UB 3:6.7; UB 4:4.1-6; UB 105:3.2.