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And religion. [1] Assumes reality of body, mind and soul. [2] Base on insights of cosmic mind. [3] Blunder to oversimplify reality; approach higher from lower. [4] Can never be settled in its conclusions. [5] Cannot nourish faith. [6] Civilization in danger when youth neglect. [7] Examples of stunted philosophic growth. [8] Few systems persist without religious identification. [9] Greeks vainly sought solace in. [10] Highest attainable philosophy based on science, faith, and revelation. [11] Is to religion as conception is to action. [12] Lower planes of mota join higher levels of. [13] Nalda dodged issue of salvation with. [14] Named philosophies. Posits a God of universal unity. [15] Relieve by poetry. [16] Religion is mother of. [17] Schools of philosophy in continental nation. [18] Should always look for creative design behind. [19] Sometime becomes chief pursuit. [20] Spiritual insight is soul and energy of. [21]
Attempts integration of meanings and values. [22] Best teaches unity. [23] Co-ordinates experience and knowledge. [24] Harmonizes discrepancies; cannot be built on materialism or spiritism alone. [25] Inveigles man to contemplate spiritual reality. [26] Search for wisdom. [27] Should make science and religion more tolerant of each other. [28] Solves mysteries, problems. [29] Wisdom; leads to co-ordinate consciousness. [30]
Struggles for emancipation from dogma and tradition. [31] Uniformity not attainable in. [32]
See also: UB 103:6-9.