The blue men became expert hunters and trappers by using fencing, drying fish for winter, and various trapping techniques. [1]
When hunting became unprofitable due to climate change, the Andites shifted to commerce and urban life, establishing cities devoted to trade and manufacture across the ancient world. [2] Hunters, much like the American red man, either adopted or killed captives, but did not enslave them. [3]
Man typically evolved into a farmer from a hunter by transitioning through the herding era, a pattern seen among the Andites, but sometimes entire tribes would go directly from hunting to successful farming due to climatic pressures, particularly in regions with a high degree of race mixture with the violet stock. [4]
The growth of the family idea is incompatible with the roving and unsettled life of hunters, leading to the establishment of settled habitations and the cultivation of the soil, as well as the domestication of animals and development of home arts, ultimately culminating in a high level of civilization with little development of a mechanical order. [5] Friction between hunters and agriculturists has existed due to their differing attitudes towards peace and societal status. [6]
The hunting stage of civilization marked a great forward step in human development, enabling mankind to gain freedom from food slavery through the invention of weapon tools. [7]
The Andite era saw only two extensive hunting areas in the world: one in North America and the other north of Turkestan, shaping the evolution of a superior culture. [8] 800,000 years ago, Neanderthalers were great hunters in France, choosing wives from successful hunters. [9]
The culture of superstitious Neanderthals improved hunting skills, leading to a primitive religion based on fear of natural forces and human sacrifice. [10]