"Children were old-age insurance.". [1]
Civilization and laws establish association as the price of survival, marking individuals as part of a group that provides insurance against violent death. [2] Food storage was the key foresight-based insurance against famine and disaster. [3]
The ghost cult evolved as insurance against disaster, born from anxiety about bad luck and fear of the dead, with rites designed to avoid or coerce ghosts rather than recognize Deity. [4]
Early in his existence, primitive industry slowly grew up as insurance against the terrors of famine, drawing lessons from animals that store up food during times of plenty. [5]
The savage sought magic insurance against ill luck by paying burdensome premiums of fear, superstition, dread, and priest gifts, as religion evolved to focus on the insurance of life beyond the grave. [6]
The continental nation on a nearby planet provides dignified government-insurance for old-age security to protect the infirm and aged. [7]
Insurance reserves safeguard against risks of incapacity in labor due to accidents, diseases, old age, and unpreventable disasters. [8] Society functions as a survival insurance, lessening risk in individuals' living. [9] Jesus taught the wise investment of earnings against future adversity, providing a form of insurance for his disciples. [10]