Adjusters communicate directly with individuals who have reached the first psychic circle of attainment. [1] Adjusters communicate with human subjects, leading them towards mastering the material and spiritual existence. [2] Autorevelation is always the work of the indwelling Adjuster, while epochal revelation is presented by celestial agencies, groups, or personalities. [3]
Man may hear the Adjuster's direct voice in moments of supreme desire, in a supreme situation, and consequent upon a supreme decision, illuminating the divine within. [4]
The vast gulf between human and divine is exemplified by the difficulty of Adjusters in communicating with the electrically and chemically controlled Urantia races, leading to many isms arising from garbled messages. [5]
The Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God, leading to a positive consciousness of divine contact and assurance of spirit communion. [6]
It is perilous to elevate a mortal mind's reaction to divine status, rather than erring on the side of rejecting an Adjuster's expression as purely human. [7]
The product of intellect indistinguishable from that of the Adjuster is a sacred and superb game of the ages, in which cosmic intelligence is transmitted to the mortal mind. [8] Strong emotions do not equate to spiritual leadings; genuine inspiration comes from loving service and deep spiritual character. [9]
The attainment of spiritual maturity is a partnership with the Adjuster, progressing independently towards supremacy and self-activity, to avoid fanatic interpretations of spirit leadings. [10] Mistaking the uprush from the unconscious for spirit leadings can lead to the danger of regarding psychic experiences as divine communications. [11]
The Thought Adjusters are unable to transmit cosmic intelligence to mortal minds due to lack of commonness, despite their constant effort to spiritualize and evolve the soul. [12]
Practical validations of inspiration ensure a holistic improvement in physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, elevating one's understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness. [13]
Recognize thoughts for what they are, disregard what they might have been, to prevent thwarting the plans and interrupting the work of the Adjusters due to preconceived opinions, settled ideas, and long-standing prejudices. [14]