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Depend on mortal mind for expression, self-realization. [1] Find it next to impossible to communicate directly with subjects. [2] Have no special mechanism for self-expression in mortal mind. [3] Indwell mortal mind, not a single physical organ. [4] Model of mortal mind formulated on Divinington. [5] Seeing eye to eye, mortals receive reinforcement of Adjuster’s mind. [6]
Can only perceive mind phenomena of other minds. [7] Concepts originating in mortal mind are more acceptable to mortal mind. [8] Evidences of spirit indwelling. [9] Evolution of. [10] Immeasurable gulf of mortal mind with spiritual love. [11] In Jesus, mortal mind became mind of God. [12] Inferior minds spurn even the highest culture. [13] Infinite Spirit is absolute source of. [14] Is ship, Adjuster is pilot, will is captain. [15] Jesus’ discourse on mortal mind at Cyprus. [16] Jesus enters mortal mind to elevate, transform, transfigure. [17] Morality of mortal mind inexplicable apart from Father. [18] Much thinking carried on in conversational form. [19]
24 orders of psychic organization. [20] Arena in which humans live, choose, or forsake God. [21] Bestowal of the Infinite Spirit and the local universe Mother Spirit. [22] Cannot operate without facts. [23] Cannot survive without spirit. [24] Cannot understand real significance of religion, worship. [25] Child best relates to reality by first mastering child-parent. Relationship, then enlarging. [26] Controls energy only through intelligent manipulation. [27] Correlates inner and outer human experiences. [28] Cosmic loom on which Adjuster threads spirit patterns. [29] Cosmic mind endowment of innate recognition of things, meanings, and values. [30] Craves, wrongly, to approach cosmology from the simple to the complex. [31] Does not well stand conflict of double allegiance. [32] Dwelling place of spirit of God. [33] Endowed with Holy Spirit has capacity to choose Adjuster. [34] Endowment of adjutant mind-spirits superimposed upon mechanical mind given by Infinite Spirit. [35] Exchange mortal mind for mind of Jesus. [36] Faith expands. [37] Gateway to soul. [38] Human minds sometimes run in channels of inexplicable agreement. [39] Identity. [40] Incapable of grasping meaning of semispirit activities. [41] Individualized circuit of cosmic mind. [42] Limitations. [43] Living relationship of personal mind and spirit. [44] Loaned for use during material lifetime. [45] Loses gravity response in proportion to spirit identification. [46] Lowest mind of all. [47] Mind transmutes spirit values into meanings of intellect. [48] Often marred by insincerity and unrighteousness. [49] Personal-energy system existing around spirit nucleus. [50] Perverse and self-seeking will can render mortal mind evil and ugly. [51] Protests against weaning from nonspirit energies. [52] Same on all planets. [53] Stable and dependable only when wholly mechanized or. Entirely spiritualized. [54] Subordinate to choosing of human personality. [55] Supermaterial; not altogether bound by time. [56] Supermaterial ability to co-ordinate things, ideas, and values. [57] Tends to imagine things unseen in terms of things seen. [58] Time consciousness of sequence, motion, and duration. [59] Total conscious and unconscious experience. [60] Wholly dependent on brain capacity. [61]
Not what mortal mind comprehends, but what it desires to comprehend, that insures survival. [62]
Differed from modern in content more than nature. [63] Had no facts, but was logical. [64] Neither logical nor consistent. [65]
Pure mind discerns God. [66] Reflective powers deepened by worship. [67] Renew by transformations of indwelling spirit. [68] Self and environment establish meaningful contact through. [69] Status after physical death. [70]
Abrupt presentations of thought often are ideas grouped. Together in. [71] Judas’s resentment, disappointment organized in his. [72] Mystic state gravitates consciousness toward. [73] Overwrought mystic’s inspiration is uprisings of. [74] Prayer is most efficient approach to reserve powers in the. Unconscious. [75] Trust Adjusters for all matters in. [76]
Adjuster revelations appear through mind. [77] Effect deep spiritual transformations in higher recesses. [78] Produce morontia duplicates of every concept of mortal. Intellect. [79] Superconscious is zone of immediate contact with Adjuster. [80]
Augmentations of consciousness appear foreign. [81] Consciousness of consciousness. [82] Effective master patterns for building better civilization found in. [83] Spiritual truths resident in. [84] Unconscious spiritual growth proves existence of. [85]