A little knowledge is potentially evil, as it is a dangerous thing; truth, on the other hand, is beautiful and symmetrical, leading the wise man to universalize his heart. [1]
Human culture and civilization are built through the cumulative communication of knowledge and wisdom across generations, manifesting in activities such as art, science, religion, and philosophy. [2]
Knowledge is a torch passed on through generations, allowing man to stand on the shoulders of his predecessors and contribute to the sum of culture and knowledge. [3] In days of barbarism, knowledge was dangerous to possess due to the fear of being accused of sorcery and executed. [4]
The Census Directors are a special creation, existing in unknown numbers, able to maintain synchrony with reflectivity technique and awareness of will births, except on Paradise, where knowledge is inherent. [5] The quest for knowledge and wisdom is fueled by effort, leading to the transformation of civilization through experience and education. [6] The custodians of knowledge are eternal seekers, always open to acquiring more. [7]
Evolutionary knowledge, the accumulation of protoplasmic memory material, is the most primitive form of creature consciousness, while wisdom, derived from protoplasmic memory and enabled by the spirits of the Father and Sons, sets human mind apart from mere animal knowledge. [8]
Belief outweighs pure knowledge in shaping behavior and personal achievements, as factual knowledge only holds influence when emotionally engaged, particularly through the powerful unifying force of religion. [9]
All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative, gleaned from even high sources, only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true. [10]
The goal of the master philosophers of Paradise is to lead native and ascendant minds in the exhilarating pursuit of attaining truth through solving universe problems. [11] Find Jesus' ideals, strive for his life purpose, and share his religious faith for the greatest knowledge. [12] Invention precedes the acceleration of cultural development worldwide. [13] Jesus accumulated knowledge as a child, then classified and correlated it as a youth, and now organizes it for his teaching and ministry. [14] In knowledge alone there can never be absolute certainty, only increasing probability of approximation. [15] Science's discoveries are not truly real in human consciousness until their facts are unraveled and correlated into meaning. [16] Material knowledge allows for understanding ideas and ideals, combining personal truth with practicality in everyday life. [17]
In the postMagisterial era, physical sciences have reached their height of development as society begins to return to simplified forms of living, leading to an age of flourishing art, music, and higher learning. [18]
Acquiring knowledge is not about possessing it for oneself, but about sharing it with others in order to safeguard it with wisdom and socialize it with love. [19] Recognition is the intellectual process of fitting sensory impressions into memory patterns, which leads to organized principles. [20] Knowledge is the realm of the fact-discerning mind, while truth resides in the spiritually conscious intellect. [21]