This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
7 types are sleep, play, discovery, worship, energy intake, transition sleep, and Paradise attainment. [1] Always is there time for. [2] Celestial beings all enjoy. [3]
Associated with spiritual-energy intake. [4] Essential to enjoyment of Paradise. [5] Essential to replenish energy losses; for effective use of space energies. [6] Those who enter kingdom shall enjoy. [7]
From reminiscences of earlier experiences. [8] Jesus established mid-week holiday for. [9] Provision for rest on morontia worlds. [10] Seraphim recharge with life energy of universe circuits. [11] Thought change helpful in recuperating depleted energies. [12]
1st was death; 2nd was ideal sleep; 3rd is true rest, relaxation of the ages. [13] Princes’ corporeal staff enters transition rest when service completed. [14] Seraphic rest during seraphic transport. [15] Sleep attending transition from universe status. [16] Terminal rest of time achieved before residential status on Paradise; replenishes energy losses and stores reserves of spirit for next stage. [17] Transit through midspace to Paradise. [18] Translation sleep of morontia progressors. [19]