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100 in an electron, held together by mutual attraction. [1] Associate Master Force Organizers and Universe Power Directors can speed up ultimatons to return to puissant energy. [2] Cold organizes ultimatons into electrons. [3] Critical level of condensation causes explosion. [4] Energy is stored when ultimatons slow down to become electrons. [5] Energy particles; prime physical units of material existence. [6] Escape physical existence only in terminal disruption of suns. [7] Exhibit mutual resistance to absoluta. [8] First measurable form of energy. [9] Have Paradise as nucleus. [10] Leakage from suns. [11] Morontia material created by modifying primary units of matter. [12] Originate in force-charge of space. [13] Primary associators manipulate. [14] Proceed in direct lines through space. [15] Respond to mutual attraction and Paradise gravity, but not linear gravity when unassociated. [16] Revolutionary velocity can be accelerated to partial antigravity. [17] Solar heat and pressure cannot convert ultimatons back into puissant energy. [18] Spread or cluster in accordance with axial revolutionary velocities; do not orbit. [19] Supreme Power Centers transmute into electrons. [20]
See also: UB 42:6.2-6.