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1 million units of control. [1] Antigravity endowments. [2] Ascenders study Supreme Power Centers on minor sectors. [3] Associated with cosmic overcontrol of Supreme Being. [4] Beings of high will freedom and action. [5] Conscious of superenergy presence of Unqualified Absolute. [6] Control mechanical-nonteachable mind. [7] Coordinate activities with Creator Son’s universe plans. [8] Created by Seven Supreme Power Directors and Seven Master Spirits; number over 10 billion. [9] Distribute light without heat. [10] Early work in Andronover nebulae. [11] Endowed with Third-Source personality. [12] Existed from near eternity. [13] Function only on architectural spheres. [14] Gigantic beings. [15] In personality registers. [16] Master Physical Controllers are mobile subordinates of. [17] Master Spirit Number Five is adviser to. [18] Modify, manipulate, energize, and directionize physical energies of space by their presence. [19] Never play; always on duty. [20] Not subject to administrative direction by superuniverse government. [21]
1st. Supreme Center Supervisors. 2nd. Havona Centers. 3rd. Superuniverse Centers. 4th. Local Universe Centers. 5th. Constellation Centers. 6th. Local System Centers. 7th. unclassified Centers.
Part of God the Sevenfold. [22] Perfectly control 7 of 10 forms of energy in 3 phases each. [23] Precede Creator Sons in universe organization. [24] Secret of mind control by Master Physical Controllers and Morontia Power Supervisors. [25] Transmute ultimatons into electrons; range of action curtailed thereafter. [26] Undergo no training; created in perfection; no evolution in ranks. [27] Utilize vast material mechanisms. [28] With Master Physical Controllers, built Salvington in 1 billion years. [29]
See also: UB 29:2; UB 41:1; UB 116:5.3; UB 29:2; UB 30:2.92-97.