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Abner taught 3 times a day in synagogue of. [1] Center of Abnerian kingdom of heaven; held faithfully to Jesus’. Teachings. [2] Chief ruler of synagogue was unfriendly Pharisee; deposed. [3] David Zebedee, Ruth, sisters of Lazarus moved to. [4] David Zebedee oversaw large interests of kingdom at. [5]
10th appearance at. [6] Arrived accompanied by 600 followers. [7] Meeting with merchant of Damascus at. [8]
Largest congregation of believers; feud with Jerusalem. [9] Lazarus was treasurer of church at. [10] Nathaniel lived at Philadelphia for 1 year. [11] Synagogue never subject to Jerusalem. [12]
See also: UB 167; UB 128:3.2; UB 152:7.1; UB 159:5.1; UB 165:0.1; UB 186:3.2-3; UB 190:1.8.