This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Desire for preference in. [1] Given authority over things temporal in. [2] Viewpoints. [3]
Believers cannot escape responsibilities of. [4] Confused concepts of Christianity. [5]
5 phases. [6] Acceptance of divine sonship. [7] Believing Father loves us with infinite love. [8] Built upon combined human and divine natures of Jesus. [9] Designates Jesus’ bestowal mission. [10] Divine government. [11] Enthronement of God in hearts of men. [12] Everlasting dominion beginning on earth, progressing to Paradise. [13] Father is center and circumference. [14] Founded on love, proclaimed in mercy, established by unselfish service. [15] Free from castes, social or economic classes. [16] Future hope. [17] God within. [18] Greatest in kingdom humbles himself as servant, ministers truths. [19]
Hidden treasure. [20] King ordering a reckoning. [21] King who made a marriage feast. [22] Leaven. [23] Little children. [24] Man casting seed. [25] Mustard seed. [26] Net cast into sea. [27] Pearl. [28] Pearl of great price. [29] Seed in good soil. [30]
Individual righteousness, fellowship with God. [31] Invisible, spiritual, characterized by unity, not uniformity. [32] Jesus brotherhood. [33] Jesus never gave precise definition of. [34] Jesus’ talk about. [35] Jesus visualized all spirit values as found in. [36] John the Baptist’s vision of new and divine age. [37] Law of kingdom is obedience to Father’s will. [38] Life of progressive righteousness, joy in service. [39] Love is rule of living in. [40] Neither Jew nor gentile, rich nor poor, man nor woman in. [41] Not of this world. [42] Not ours; we are only its ambassadors. [43] Old things pass away; all things become new in. [44] Overthrow of evil in men’s hearts. [45] Present reality. [46] Realm of order; leadership always provided. [47] Recognition of God’s sovereignty, our sonship, faith in our ability to be like God. [48] Righteousness, peace, joy in Holy Spirit. [49] Spiritual brotherhood of sons of God. [50] Spiritual joy of acceptance of divine sonship. [51] Thought Adjusters are. [52] Will of God. [53]
Baptism with Holy Spirit upon. [54] By faith, sincerity, and truth hunger. [55] Confers eternal life. [56] Danger of postponing. [57] Free, but cannot stand still in. [58] Illustrated by spiritual simplicity of little child. [59] Keys are sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. [60] Least who enter are greater than John the Baptist. [61] Less warfare between flesh and spirit after. [62] Must be willing to leave wealth, home, wife, parents, children for. [63] No requirement to subscribe to things repugnant, unholy, or untruthful. [64] Only through much tribulation for many. [65] Requires being born of Spirit. [66] Requires surrender of pet evil. [67] Search for kingdom in hearts, not in hills. [68] Sure pathway to trouble. [69] Take by persistent assaults of faith. [70] Truth hunger essential to. [71] Whatever thing or person that comes between oneself and kingdom must be surrendered. [72] Worth whatever it costs. [73]
By natural, ordinary, difficult, and trying methods. [74] Call to building kingdom should thrill all believers. [75] Carry on work of kingdom regardless of consequences. [76] Do not seek to establish kingdom by laws or force. [77] Does not attain full fruit quickly. [78] Expect persecution. [79] Freely received, freely give. [80] Kingdom will prosper in persecutions. [81] Lead men into the kingdom and living truth will drive out error. [82] Lesser things should give way before. [83] No reliance on transient religious hysteria. [84] Not advanced by healing of 683 at sundown. [85] Not related to second coming. [86] Not with outward power, noise, glamour. [87] Only through sorrow and bitter disappointment. [88] Persistent pursuit of divinity leads to. [89] Righteousness necessary to do work of. [90] Service will require courageous manhood. [91] Sifting k., divestment of lukewarm multitudes, halfhearted disciples unavoidable. [92]
Believed kingdom near at hand. [93] Believed kingdom to be righteous state on earth ruled by Messiah. [94] Concepts of kingdom. [95] End of world to spiritist Jews. [96]
Lawyer in temple not far from. [97] Shall be given to gentiles. [98]
Bred persecution. [99] Other terms. [100] Used interchangeably with kingdom of God. [101] Why Jesus used. [102]