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Accused by Annas’s portress. [1] Argument with Gadiah. [2] Armed with sword. [3] Asleep in Gethsemane. [4] At empty tomb. [5] At Jesus’ appearances. [6] At transfiguration. [7] Calculated 1000 could have been baptized after healing at sundown. [8] Collected donkey for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. [9] Cornelius became believer through. [10] Crucified in Rome; wife Perpetua thrown to wild beasts. [11] Deliverance by midwayers after Herod killed James. [12] Descendants persecuted by Christians. [13] “do you love me?” Jesus asked. [14] Dream delivered Simon Peter from fear of uncleanness. [15] Fetched Simon Zelotes. [16] First Epistle altered by disciple of Paul. [17] Fisher partner of Andrew, sons of Zebedee. [18] In Annas’s courtyard. [19]
Admonitions to Simon Peter. [20] Forgave Simon Peter’s denial. [21] Message after resurrection. [22] Special instructions to Simon Peter. [23] Washed Simon Peter’s feet. [24]
John Zebedee associated with. [25] Laid hands on converts receiving Spirit of Truth. [26] Married with 3 children; 30 in A.D. 26. [27] Name changed from Simon to Peter. [28] Night vision on Sea of Galilee. [29] One of John the Baptist’s foremost disciples; knew Jesus in Capernaum. [30] Ordination sermon to the 70. [31]
4 months of waiting especially hard on. [32] Attempted to dissuade Norana. [33] Confused, saddened by entry into Jerusalem. [34] Defended Philip’s work among Samaritans, Paul’s among gentiles. [35] Denied Jesus; couldn’t believe himself forgiven. [36] Eloquent leader, a quick thinker, but not a deep reasoner. [37] Erratic, impulsive, enthusiastic personality. [38] Estranged from Abner. [39] Faults were of head, not heart. [40] Favored proclaiming Jesus king. [41] Followed afar off. [42] Presumptuous self-confidence caused trouble. [43] Superficially brave, but withered before ridicule. [44] Vacillated between faith and doubt on resurrection Sunday. [45]
Assigned as personal aid to Jesus. [46] Chief preacher and recognized head of Jesus’ apostles. [47] Choosing and holding of Simon Peter was paramount factor in rapid spread of Christianity. [48] First to confess Jesus’ divinity. [49] Founded and organized Christian church. [50] Great and saving light to thousands. [51] In charge of school of evangelists. [52] Inaugurated new religion of risen Christ. [53] Instigated Gospel by Mark. [54] Much more effective preacher than Jesus. [55] Pentecost sermon won 2000 souls. [56] Preached to 500 in Bethsaida. [57] Supported James brother of Jesus. [58] Worked with Paul. [59]
Promised to pay temple tax. [60] Protest by; “get you behind me”. [61] Questions of. [62] Recited parable of Lazarus and Dives. [63] Rushed forward with sword to smite Malchus. [64] Selected Simon Zelotes. [65] Sermons of. [66] Sister Martha; brother Andrew. [67] Storm on Sea of Galilee. [68] Surmised Damascus scribe might have been Jesus. [69] Took lowest seat at Remembrance Supper. [70]
See also: UB 139:2; UB 143:3.5; UB 144:1.7; UB 148:9.4; UB 151:2.1-2; UB 158:1.9; UB 158:8; UB 167:0.1; UB 178:2.6-8; UB 179:1.4; UB 183:4.4.