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Apostles’ personal effects stored at home of. [1] At Jesus’ 10th appearance. [2] David Zebedee was self-appointed defender of. [3] Died at 67. [4] Father Simon was leading resident of Bethany. [5]
Directed Lazarus to flee. [6] First meeting; boys were same age. [7] Lazarus took young Jesus to explore Jerusalem. [8] Lazarus visited Jesus twice at the Jordan. [9] Loved Lazarus with fervent affection. [10] Received message regarding illness of Lazarus. [11] Resurrection of Lazarus. [12] Wept at tomb of Lazarus. [13]
Martha and Mary joined Lazarus in Philadelphia. [14] Persecuted by Pharisees. [15] Private tomb on own premises. [16] Sanhedrin decreed death of. [17] Sisters Martha and Mary. [18] Summoned before Sanhedrin. [19] Treasurer of church at Philadelphia; supported Abner. [20] Wealthy; inherited extensive vineyards and olive orchards. [21]
See also: UB 127:3.5; UB 128:6.5; UB 134:9.2; UB 152:7.1.