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3 divisions. [1] Archangel commission modifies Life Carriers for service. [2] Ascending mortals sometimes attached to. [3] Assisted by adjutant mind-spirits and Master Physical Controllers. [4] Before leaving planet, Life Carriers install Planetary Prince. [5] Caligastia had been adviser to Life Carriers on Jerusem. [6] Chief serves on Jerusem executive council. [7] Created by Creator Son, Mother Spirit, and 1 Ancient of Days. [8] Directed by Gabriel, Father Melchizedek, and Nambia. [9] Do not interfere with will. [10] Fabricate new bodies for spornagia. [11] Function in resurrection of dead. [12] Function on electrochemical, morontial, semispirit levels. [13] Further efforts to purify mortal race in light and life. [14] Humanize midwayers in light and life. [15] Impart full bestowal of living energies to red race. [16] In charge of 4th Salvington circuit. [17] In personality registers. [18] Institute new patterns on decimal planets. Local universe Sons of God. [19] Manipulate life environment before emergence of will. [20] Master Spirits involved with Life Carriers in life initiation. [21] Melchizedeks always accompany. [22] Melchizedeks serving as Life Carriers. [23] Metamorphic range of personality function. [24] Mid-phase Sons. [25] Not permitted mechanically to manipulate evolution. [26] Number 100 million in Nebadon. [27] Participate in human evolution in light and life. [28]
After life patterns formulated, Life Carriers are shorn of ability to. Create new patterns. [29] Cannot time life processes to unfold any faster than physical. Metamorphoses permit. [30] Carriers, disseminators, and guardians of life on planets. [31] Catalyze lifeless material with vital spirit spark. [32] Conditions must be ripe. [33] Constantly improve formulas of life. [34] Enjoy great latitude in planning life. [35] Establish life in 500,000 years planetary time. [36] Fabricate physical energies and particles into units of living existence. [37] Formulas and experiments. [38] Often carry actual life plasm to new world. [39] Role in establishing life in Satania. [40] Staff of 1200 take life to planets. [41]
Possible 4th stage of existence in light and life. [42] Request dispatch of Planetary Princes. [43] Residence in Jerusem circles. [44] Restore Adams to normal existence upon arrival. [45] Some influenced by Lucifer rebellion. [46] Technical Advisers aid. [47]
14 now stationed on Urantia. [48] 14 remained on Urantia after appearance of will. [49] Achieved 28 modifications of standard life patterns. [50] Advised Melchizedek receivers after rebellion. [51] Arrived 600 million years ago. [52] Disappointed over reversion of parasitic bacteria. [53] Eliminated inferior prehuman groups. [54] Initial messages over Urantia planetary circuit. [55] Involved in materialization of Melchizedek. [56] Led Van’s council of 40. [57] Life implanted on 3 sites 550 million years ago. [58] Participated in healing at sundown. [59] Petitioned Most Highs to dispatch biologic uplifters. [60] Planned new type of mortal by union of Prince’s corporeal staff with children of Adam; miscarried. [61] Provided Prince’s corporeal staff with new bodies. [62] Simultaneously fostered many life strains. [63] Sodium chloride pattern of life. [64] Some experiments failed. [65] Urantia adventure for. [66] Welcomed Adam. [67] Work of 24 custodians. [68]
Wrote Papers 57–65. [69]