Life Carriers are segregated into three divisions: senior, assistants, and custodians, each overseen by the Melchizedeks during the establishment of life on new planets. [1] The archangel commission modifies Life Carriers for service in life implantation on planets. [2]
In the long future ahead, ascending mortals sometimes attached to Life Carriers will have ample opportunities to offer suggestions and improvements in life management and transplantation. [3]
With the help of adjutant mind-spirits and Master Physical Controllers, the Life Carriers concluded their supervision of the planet, as evolution brought about the power of choosing to worship and ascend among its inhabitants. [4] Life on planets is initiated by Life Carriers, who install a Planetary Prince before departing. [5]
Before Lucifer's rule in Satania, Caligastia served as an adviser to the Life Carriers on Jerusem before he was promoted to Lucifer's personal staff where he excelled in five important roles. [6] Life Carriers are created by Creator Son, Mother Spirit, and 1 Ancient of Days. [7] Life Carriers do not interfere with the will of moral creatures once they have been endowed with the power of moral decision and spiritual choice. [8]
Although spornagia do not possess survival souls or personality, they evolve individuality that can experience reincarnation, with Life Carriers fabricating new bodies for them as their physical forms deteriorate. [9] The Life Carriers play a crucial role in the resurrection of the dead within the central resurrection hall of the first mansion world. [10] Life Carriers function on electrochemical, morontial, and semispirit levels. [11]
The arrival of a Life Carrier signifies the second stage of light and life, as they advise planetary rulers on further efforts to purify and stabilize the mortal race, actively participating in the evolution of humanity on all levels and guiding the elimination of inferior potential. [12]
Midway creatures are released by the System Sovereign to humanize in the morontia with the help of Life Carriers, physical controllers, and Thought Adjusters, beginning their journey towards Paradise ascension. [13] The red race receives the full bestowal of living energies from the Life Carriers, as subsequent races experience a decrease in stature and vitality. [14] Life Carriers in charge of the fourth Salvington circuit oversee the evolution and coordination of life on seven primary spheres and their satellites. [15] Life Carrier Sons register in personality as carriers of life. [16] They institute new patterns on decimal planets. See link about decimal or experimental planets. The Life Carriers are local universe Sons of God. [17]
Life Carriers manipulate the life environment before emergence of human creatures with moral status, guiding biologic evolution until the appearance of free will. [18] The Master Spirits guide the life-initiation procedures of the local universe Life Carriers. [19]
Melchizedeks conducted tests to grade Life Carriers into senior, assistant, and custodian divisions, always accompanying them in their mission to establish life on new planets. [20]
Midsonite creatures, offspring of Melchizedeks serving as Life Carriers, dwell on specific worlds in local systems throughout Nebadon, with a mysterious purpose yet to be revealed. [21]
Life Carriers and Melchizedek Sons both possess a metamorphic range of personality function, enabling them to excel in diverse and challenging situations. [22] The Life Carriers, as mid-phase Sons, possess unique abilities for personal transformation and operate in three distinct phases of existence. [23]
Life Carriers are not allowed to manipulate evolution mechanically, despite utilizing natural resources to enhance developmental progress, due to a purposeful plan guiding early evolutionary occurrences beyond human understanding. [24]
Life Carriers participate in human evolution in light and life, serving as advisors in the higher deliberative bodies of settled planets, entrusted with new duties in the evolving universe. [25]
The Life Carriers reach the possible 4th stage of existence in light and life after taking renunciation vows to refrain from influencing organic evolution. [26] Life Carriers request dispatch of Planetary Princes for inhabited planets to ensure proper governance and evolution of intelligent beings. [27] Life Carriers restore dematerialized Adams to normal existence upon arrival on their planetary destination. [28]
Despite the influence of the Lucifer rebellion, the Life Carriers stationed on the rebel planets were the only ones swayed, as the higher orders of local universe sonship remained loyal to Michael. [29]
Life Carriers receive valuable guidance and advice from Technical Advisers, who are intimately linked to the work of the Universal Censors and provide essential counsel on matters of life propagation and spiritual ethics. [30]
In Nebadon, one hundred million Life Carriers are directed by the trio of Gabriel, Father Melchizedek, and Nambia, the original Life Carrier. [31] The acting director of the Satania Life Carriers is the chief who serves on Jerusem executive council. [32]
In Nebadon, a corps of one hundred million Life Carriers operate under the direction of Gabriel, Father Melchizedek, and Nambia, while remaining self-governing in their divisional administration. [33] Residing in Jerusem circles, the system Life Carriers gather in the sixth circle before embarking on their planetary missions. [34]
The Life Carriers plan and initiate the creation of energy and bestowal of life in all creation. [35] After life patterns formulated, Life Carriers are shorn of ability to. Life Carriers create new patterns of living matter to initiate the existence of life. [36] Cannot time life processes to unfold any faster than physical. Life carriers must wait upon the physical metamorphoses of a planet, as we have no control over geologic evolution. [37]
Life on planets is not spontaneous, but carefully designed and nurtured by the Life Carriers, who are entrusted with the dissemination and guardianship of life as it appears on new worlds. [38] Life Carriers catalyze lifeless material with vital spirit spark, initiating primordial reactions that transform inert patterns into living matter. [39] Life Carriers can only initiate life when conditions are ripe for the evolutionary cycle to begin, based on the physical progress of the planet. [40] Life Carriers constantly improve the formulas of planetary life, resulting in unique evolutionary paths on each world. [41] Life Carriers enjoy great latitude in planning the evolutionary patterns of life on different worlds within a local system. [42] Life Carriers establish life on a new world within approximately 500,000 years, after which they cease implantation efforts. [43] Life Carriers fabricate physical energies and particles into units of living existence within the creation of intelligent creatures. [44]
The Life Carriers meticulously conducted over half a million specific experiments to develop a formula encompassing countless phases and features of possible chemical reactions and biologic repercussions for the Urantia life experiment. [45] Life Carriers typically bring actual life plasm to new worlds when planting new life, as seen in the case of the planetary life on Urantia. [46] Life Carriers play a crucial role in establishing life in Satania and ensuring the evolutionary progress of mortals on all inhabited worlds. [47] A corps of 1200 Life Carriers plant life on new planets by organizing life plasm according to approved formulas. [48]
Life Carriers arrived 600 million years ago to initiate the Nebadon life patterns on Urantia. [49] Will's appearance marked the Life Carriers' departure from Urantia after ages of supervision. [50]
On Urantia, the Life Carriers achieved 28 modifications of standard life patterns during their sixtieth attempt to improve the Satania adaptation of Nebadon life designs. [51] The Melchizedek receivers advised after rebellion, governing Urantia with a council confirmed by the Most High Father. [52]
Fourteen Life Carriers are currently stationed on Urantia, with two senior carriers and twelve custodians voluntarily staying as advisers for the development and conservation of life plasm. [53]
Our greatest disappointment as Life Carriers stems from the reversion of primitive plant life to parasitic bacteria, causing distressful diseases in higher mammals and ultimately proving unsuccessful due to the Adamic default. [54] Life Carriers eliminated inferior prehuman groups to ensure the evolution of higher mammals leading to the development of humanity. [55]
To the Life Carriers on Urantia—Greetings! We transmit assurance of great pleasure on Salvington, Edentia, and Jerusem in honor of the registration on the headquarters of Nebadon of the signal of the existence on Urantia of mind of will dignity, establishing the circuit of communication for this initial acknowledgment message. [56]
Through the co-operation of Life Carriers, Master Physical Controllers, and celestial personalities, Machiventa Melchizedek materialized on earth as a temporary man of the realm, a historic event in Nebadon. [57] Van's council of forty, led by senior Life Carriers, governed human affairs in the absence of the Melchizedek receivers. [58] Life Carriers implanted unique life patterns on Urantia 550 million years ago, shaping the planet's distinctive and original biodiversity. [59]
Life Carriers participated in healing at sundown, responding to the plea for restoration of health, eradication of diseases, and salvation of souls, in unity with divine wisdom and human compassion, as Jesus sought the will of his Father. [60]
Despite the cultural and spiritual decline after the Caligastia downfall, the Urantia peoples' biologic progress remained unaffected, prompting a petition to the Most Highs for the dispatch of biologic uplifters. [61] Life Carriers had planned a new type of mortal by uniting the Prince's staff with the children of Adam, but the plan miscarried. [62]
The Life Carriers provide volunteers with new bodies which they occupy during their planetary sojourn, exempt from ordinary diseases but subject to mechanical accidents. [63] Life Carriers simultaneously fostered numerous evolving strains of life, ensuring the continuity of human evolution despite setbacks. [64]
Life Carriers projected a sodium chloride pattern of life, requiring briny ocean waters for planting due to the urantia protoplasm's need for a suitable salt solution in ancestral life evolution. [65] Some experiments to improve mammalian and flying dinosaur types failed on Urantia. [66]
Life Carriers on Urantia experienced great joy and supreme satisfaction as they watched the evolutionary development of intelligent and volitional beings, and worked to modify life patterns through numerous experiments to achieve beneficial modifications for all Nebadon. [67] Adam and Eve were welcomed by the Urantia reception committee for their installation as the world's new rulers. [68] The conservation of life on World Number Three is overseen and developed by a dedicated team of twenty-four custodians. [69]
Life Carriers who wrote Papers 57-65 on Urantia are residents of the planet and members of the original Urantia Corps. [70]
See also: UB 36.