Distance to Andromeda, a spiral nebula far distant from Orvonton, is almost one million light-years. [1] From Jerusem, Satania is over 200,000 light-years away from the center of Orvonton in the Milky Way. [2] The Satania system is located 250,000 light-years away from the center of the Orvonton superuniverse. [3] Between the seven superuniverses and the 1st outer space level lies a space zone of around 500,000 light-years. [4] The zone of increasing energy in the 1st outer space level spans over 25 million light-years. [5]
Uversa physicists have detected force manifestations more than fifty million light-years beyond the first outer space level, indicating upcoming organization of the material creations in the second outer space level. [6] Astronomers can measure stellar distances accurately up to more than one million light-years using variable stars as universe lighthouses. [7]
The estimation of astronomic velocities using spectral lines is reliable within the superuniverse, but unreliable in outer space due to red shift's influence on light-years. [8] Solitary Messengers act as emergency communication lines in remote space, able to transmit messages up to 100 light-years away. [9]