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Aware of presence of Inspired Trinity Spirits. [1] Designated by number. [2] In personality registers. [3] Inspired Trinity Spirits may take place of. [4] Mortals won’t recognize until Havona. [5]
Can transmit messages 100 light-years away. [6] Close communion with Havona natives. [7] Constantly partake of Infinite Spirit’s direct circuit. [8] Crave assignment to remote creations. [9] Cut off from Paradise circuit when ensembled. [10] Detect proximity of Adjusters. [11] Equal; perfectly endowed. [12] Functioned from near eternity. [13] Highly sensitive to gravity. [14] Intercommunicate within same superuniverse. [15] Nearly defy time and space; attain velocities of 840 billion miles per second over mind circuits of Infinite Spirit. [16] Never stumble; exempt from apprehension. [17] No power of reproduction. [18] Number stationary at over 50 trillion. [19] Only beings who enjoy solitary existence. [20] Only personalized creatures uniformly conscious of Adjusters, other prepersonal entities. [21] Senior order of Higher Personalities of Infinite Spirit. [22] Speculations concerning destiny of Solitary Messengers. [23] Tremendous endowment of antigravity. [24] Without form, yet possess definite personalities. [25]
No headquarters or government. [26] Present at inditing of Urantia Papers. [27] Ranks slowly being depleted by assignment to trinitized sons. [28] Residence in Jerusem circles. [29]
Accompany creature-trinitized sons to Vicegerington; never leave. [30] Always on duty. [31] As Evangels of Light with finaliter companies. [32] As Most High Assistants. [33] Co-operate with gravity researchers. [34] Co-ordinate all types of finite personality. [35] Deliver urgent confidential messages. [36] Dispatch messages during rebellion quarantine. [37] Divisions of service. [38] Enable Ancients of Days to communicate directly and personally with other superuniverses. [39] Example mission took 1 million years. [40] Executioners of high tribunals; intelligence gatherers. [41] Explorers of undirected assignment. [42] Forewarn angels regarding reflective transference. [43] Function in outer space. [44] Help develop group identity in spirit beings. [45] Local universe function. [46] Not permanently attached. [47] On commissions approving Havona pilgrims’ advancement. [48] Relationship with Architects of Master Universe and Transcendentalers. [49] Revelators of truth. [50] Temporary ambassadors to local universes. [51] Under Ancients of Days and Unions of Days in local universes until Creator Son is sovereign. [52]
Solitarington is status sphere. [53] Space messages. [54] Wrote Papers 107–112. [55]
See also: UB 23.