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1 of 100 local systems which make up our constellation of Norlatiadek; our local system. [1] 500,000 physical controllers in. [2]
Ancients of Days sustained Most Highs in seizure of Satania government. [3] By 7 Lanonandeks, named. [4] Jerusem headquarters. [5] Lanaforge is System Sovereign. [6] No changes in technique as result of rebellion. [7] No worlds lost to rebellion since original 37. [8]
Ages required to retrieve handicaps of rebellion. [9]
Immediately neighboring local systems. [10] Local system #24 in constellation of Norlatiadek. [11] Next to outermost system of Norlatiadek. [12] Oldest inhabited world is Anova. [13] On periphery of Nebadon. [14] Power center occupies dark island at center of. [15]
9 nonbreather worlds. [16] 36 planets nearing life-endowment stage. [17] 57 architectural spheres. [18] 61 decimal planets. [19] 200 additional planets evolving toward life. [20] 619 inhabited worlds in over 500 physical systems. [21] 7000 physical systems. [22] Almost 2000 suns. [23]
Isolated by quarantine upon rebellion. [24] Language of. [25] Lucifer and Satan freely roamed Satania until completion of Michael’s bestowal. [26] Neighboring planet narrated is in. [27] Prison worlds are 7 worlds circling world of the Father. [28] Readmission into constellation family. [29] Standard day is 3 Urantia days; year is 100 days. [30] Urantia is planet 606 of. [31]
See also: UB 45; UB 46; UB 45.