Inferiors often demand that the superior supply their wants to compensate for deficiencies caused by their own indolence. [1]
Inferior ancestors disqualify some beings for survival, but virgin Adjusters provide them with valuable experience in contacting evolutionary minds, preparing them for higher assignments. [2] False sentiment perpetuates and protects hopelessly defective strains of evolutionary human stocks, fostering the moral degeneration of society. [3] The downfall of civilizations on Urantia stems from allowing superiors to freely procreate with inferiors. [4] The weak and inferior contend for equal rights, but are not entitled to encumber civilization through forced dependency on the strong and superior. [5] No society can truly progress if it allows idleness, poverty, and unrestricted reproduction of degenerates and defectives. [6]
The wisdom of world leadership will be tested by their ability to foster the multiplication of the average human being and control the subnormal, ensuring the backbone of civilization thrives without being overwhelmed by extremes. [7]
Compulsory voting, disenfranchisement of defective individuals, and favoring superiority over inferiority are essential in preventing the unrestrained multiplication of inferiors that destroys civilization. [8]
850,000 years ago, the superior Badonan tribes exterminated their inferior neighbors, leading to the rise of the Neanderthal race. [9] Early tribal wars weeded out most defective strains, leading to race improvement at an early stage in human evolution. [10] Early man often worshipped those deemed superhuman, including lunatics, epileptics, and the feeble-minded, believing them to be indwelt by the gods. [11]
The infiltration of inferiors ultimately brought an end to the cultural age of Mesopotamia's second garden, leading to the westward migration of civilization. [12]
Jesus distinguished between insanity and demon possession, but feeble-mindedness has often been confused with demoniacal possession throughout history. [13]
Even prior to Pentecost, demon possession was possible with inferiors, but since that day, all human minds on Urantia are forever free from such possibilities. [14]
The continental nation in a nearby planet have deported their inferior slaves and are now focused on reducing degenerate and vicious classes. [15]
Subnormals are segregated into self-supporting colonies in the continental nation, committed for life and denied parenthood to prevent breeding of criminals and defectives. [16]
The Life Carriers, in the second stage of light and life, actively participate in the further evolution of the human race by eliminating inferiors to purify and stabilize the mortal race towards a harmonious and advanced society. [17]