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Deficiencies often result of own indolence. [1] Demon possession possible with inferiors prior to Pentecost. [2] Disqualification for survival due to inferior ancestors. [3] False sentiment perpetuates hopeless defectives. [4] Folly of allowing superiors freely to procreate with. [5] Contend for equal rights; not entitled right to encumber civilization. [6]
Badonan tribes exterminated. [7] Deported in continental nation. [8] Early tribal wars weeded out most defective strains. [9] Feeble-mindedness confused with demon possession. [10] Infiltration of inferiors terminated second garden culture. [11]
Primitives often worshiped feeble-minded. [12] Segregated into self-supporting colonies in continental nation. [13]
Poverty cannot be eliminated if degenerates are freely supported and reproduce without restraint. [14] Subnormals should be kept under society’s control. [15] Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors destroys civilization. [16]
See also: UB 55:4.11; UB 55:5.2.