Achievement is the final test for advancing on the Havona circles. [1] Arriving on Havona, pilgrims possess only one perfection: perfection of purpose, as decreed by the Universal Father to be perfect like Him. [2]
Ascendant mortals' personal education begins as they prepare for the long flight to Havona, where their spiritual training is threefold: intellectual, spiritual, and experiential. [3]
Ascenders arrive on the pilot world of the 7th circuit, celebrating the 4th mortal jubilee of their journey towards perfection in the central universe. [4]
Havona pilgrims benefit greatly from contact with creature-trinitized sons, aiding in their adjustment to various majestic beings on their journey to becoming Mortal Finaliters. [5] Ascendant pilgrims must accomplish a specific task on every world throughout their journey towards the Deities on Paradise. [6] Havona Pilgrims will learn avout the Seven Spirits of Havona Circutis but do not hold personal communion with them. [7] Grandfanda was the first mortal to attain Havona, journeying alongside the original Michael, the first-born Creator Son. [8]
Unsuccessful pilgrims advance to the second circuit before returning to superuniverse service, where counselors and advisers provide comfort and guidance on their journey towards Deity attainment. [9]
Certified as having passed the Havona test, the disappointed subjects obtain the same standing in the universes of time as successful Deity adventurers. [10]
Successful Havona pilgrims always succeed on their second attempt, finding fulfillment in the eternal assignment after leaving behind the uncertainties of the evolutionary journey. [11] “Remanded to superuniverses with guardian angel or Paradise Companion, ascenders are never abandoned in their Deity adventure journey through Havona.”. [12]
So perfect and so divine are the methods and means of selection in the universes of time that never in the records of Havona has an error occurred; no mistakes have ever been made; no ascendant soul has ever been prematurely admitted to the central universe. [13]
After attaining the Infinite Spirit, examinations cease and advancement is based solely on spirituality, with failure not seen as defeat or disgrace in the eyes of the Gods. [14] After passing through the terminal rest of time, Havona pilgrims finally achieve residential status on Paradise. [15] There is no time limit on the progress of Havona pilgrims as they journey through the seven circuits of spiritualization towards divinity attainment. [16] Havona pilgrims begin their journey to Paradise alongside the Graduate Guide and the Havona Servital. [17] The Graduate Guide stays with Havona pilgrims from arrival to Paradise culmination, witnessing their entire celestial journey. [18]
Upon arrival in Havona, the pilgrims send adoration to Creator Son for their safe journey and sonship career, before enjoying a leisurely period of observation and reuniting with fellow ascenders. [19] “Havona pilgrims traverse achieved space without ensupernaphimation in their journey of ascent.”. [20] “Comprehension leads to Paradise, belief to Havona, and cooperation with the Adjuster secures evolutionary survival.”. [21] Havona pilgrims progress inward from the seventh to the first circuit to work towards spiritual development for Paradise. [22]