Creature-trinitized sons are the progeny of finaliters and Paradise-Havoners. [1]
The resultant sons of trinitizing union between a finaliter and a Paradise-Havona personality become wards of Architects of Master Universe; then this creature goes to Vicegerington in company of Solitary Messengers and never leave. [2] Solitary Messengers accompany offspring of finaliters and Paradise Citizens. [3] All creature-trinitized sons are endowed with personality by the Father. [4] They are apprentices of Trinity Teacher Sons. [5] They come to the worlds established in light and life. [6] The command they receive is: “Be you understanding of your ascendant brethren, even as the Paradise Creator Sons know and love them”. [7] Trinitized personalities represent the conceptual potential mobilized in that trinitization. [8]
The supreme destiny of all creature-trinitized sons appears to be entrance into the Corps of Trinitized Finaliters, one of the seven Paradise Corps of the Finality. [9]
Creature-trinitized sons are born and live in the present universe age; they have personalities, together with mind and spirit endowments. They have experiences and the memory thereof, but they do not grow as do ascenders. [10] They embody ideals and experience pertaining to future age. [11] They appear in personality register. [12]
When new trinitized sons are young and untrained, they are usually dispatched for long periods of service on the seven Paradise spheres of the Infinite Spirit, where they serve under the tutelage of the Seven Supreme Executives. [13] There are 9642 registered in Nebadon. [14] Supernaphim facilitate confraternity between the trinitized sons of the mortal finaliters and the trinitized sons of the Paradise Citizens. [15]
The primary and the secondary supernaphim are the general custodians of the conjoint corps of these sons, including the trinitized offspring of the mortal finaliters and similar progeny of the Paradise Citizens. [16] There are many speculations concerning destiny of Trinity-origin beings but answers are not known. [17] They represent a great value to superuniverse governments. [18]
Many gather on first circuit of Havona. [19] They headquarters in Satania is the fifth transition world. [20] They have residence in Jerusem circles. [21] They have residence on Paradise worlds of Spirit. [22]
The Teacher Sons in the local universes may nominate their creature-trinitized wards for embrace by the Paradise Trinity. They become Trinitized Sons of Perfection, the unique group of twice-trinitized beings. [23] Re-embrace by Trinity acts only on idea personified in a creature-trinitized son. [24]
See also: UB 22:8.