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7 superuniverse Architects of Master Universe associate with. [1] All creatures resemble Master Spirit of superuniverse nativity. [2] Also known as Seven Spirits; Seven Paradise Spirits; Seven Center Supervisors. [3] Among Supreme Creators. [4] Appearance was subabsolute inevitability. [5] Are Trinity inevitabilities. [6] Ascenders commune with superuniverse Master Spirit in Havona. [7] Ascenders recognize native Master Spirit on 7th circuit of Havona. [8]
7 great approaches to Father. [9] Are experiential. [10] Bestowal of adjutant mind-spirits. [11] Bestowal of local universe Holy Spirit. [12] Bestowal of local universe Spirit of Truth. [13] Channel of life to creation. [14] Collectively disclose omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. [15] Collectively equivalate to divinity of Trinity. [16] Collectively represent Deity in the finite. [17] Concur in opinions of Ancients of Days. [18] Distribute Infinite Spirit to evolutionary universes. [19] Each dominates and pervades one superuniverse. [20] Each eternally served by 1 Supreme Power Director. [21] Each is distinctly personal, unmistakably unlike the others. [22] Father is spiritually present in our hearts by our Master Spirit. [23] Function on all universe levels except the absolute. [24] Harmonize energy-spirit divergence. [25] In local universes. [26] Indirectly rule the 7 superuniverses. [27] Infinite Spirit speaks to superuniverses through. [28] Influence emergent energy, once liberated from Unqualified Absolute. [29] Mind-spirit balance wheel of universe. [30] Participate in life initiation by Life Carriers. [31] Personalize physical power, cosmic mind, and spiritual presence of triune Deity. [32] Power control of grand universe intrusted to. [33] Reflectivity. [34] Relation to creatures. [35] Repositories of unexercised sovereignty and mind potential of Supreme Being. [36] Role in individualization of local universe Mother Spirits. [37] Sanction trinitization by finaliters and Paradise-Havoners. [38] Selected original 7000 celestial artisans. [39] Source and convergence of cosmic mind. [40] Superuniverse presence analogous to Spirit of Truth. [41] Unrevealed work with Morontia Power Supervisors. [42]
Contact superuniverse governments through Seven Supreme Executives. [43]
Havona Servitals with Supreme Power Directors. [44] Quasi-material and spiritual beings. [45] Reflective Spirits. [46] Secondary supernaphim. [47] Supreme Power Directors. [48] Universal Conciliators. [49] Universe Power Directors. [50]
Determine nature of respective superuniverses. [51] Do not directly associate with 3 Absolutes. [52] Do not directly invade material minds. [53] Each conducts operations from one Paradise world of Infinite Spirit. [54] Foregather on Spiritington. [55] In personality registers. [56] Individually described. [57] Maintain power focuses that revolve around periphery of Paradise. [58] Master Spirit Number Seven is presiding head of. [59] Mortals experience conscious contact with Master Spirit of superuniverse nativity in light and life. [60] Not involved with force issuing from nether Paradise, Thought Adjusters, or Unqualified Absolute. [61] Personal contact ends with superuniverse governments. [62] Portray sevenfold Deity. [63] Positions eternally fixed. [64] Primary personalities of Infinite Spirit. [65] Radial boundaries of superuniverses converge at respective headquarters of. [66] Reflective Spirits and seconaphim reflect Master Spirits to Ancients of Days. [67] Superuniverses know of mutual affairs only through. [68] Tradition of Master Spirits in Ur. [69]