One quarter of Havona Servitals who achieve divine embrace never return, their careers closed as newborn Graduate Guides spontaneously appear in the outer circuit of the Havona universe. [1]
For every Havona Servital created, seven Universal Conciliators are brought into being, one in each superuniverse, reflecting the creative enactment of the Seven Master Spirits. [2]
138 billion Havona Servitals serve on Uversa, embodying the spirit prerogatives of their assigned Master Spirit on the educational worlds of the superuniverses. [3]
Havona Servitals assist ascendant creatures and eventually become Graduate Guides, showing extraordinary attachment and mutual devotion beyond human understanding. [4]
The Havona Servitals, created by the Seven Master Spirits and the Seven Supreme Power Directors, reflect evolutionary potentialities of the time-space domains and are involved in phases of Supremacy. [5]
The Havona Servitals, fourth creatures, discern reality of spirit and matter and are semiphysical, with every fourth servital being more physical in type. [6]
Havona Servitals help ascenders on superuniverse capitals and provide assistance on educational worlds surrounding the headquarters spheres of the seven superuniverses. [7] Havona Servitals showcase their unique personalities in personality registers. [8]
The Havona Servitals, created by the collaboration of the Seven Master Spirits and Seven Supreme Power Directors, are inherently involved in phases of Supremacy, reflecting evolutionary potentialities of the time-space domains and undergoing transformation in response to the will of the Infinite Spirit. [9] The servitals of Havona are honored for their sacred service in the central universe. [10]
The prodigious number of servitals is constantly growing, appearing in groups of one thousand on the third moment following the assembly of the Master Spirits and the Supreme Power Directors, with every fourth creature being more physical in nature. [11]
The Havona Servitals resemble individual Master Spirits and serve on educational worlds in the superuniverses, inspiring and ministering to ascending creatures of time. [12] The Havona Servitals stay with the same pilgrim throughout his ascent, providing pleasurable and highly profitable sojourn on the second circuit. [13]
See also: UB 25:1.