Adam and his offspring had blue eyes, and the violet peoples were characterized by fair complexions and light hair color—yellow, red, and brown. [1]
When Cain he honestly sought divine assistance, an Adjuster indwelt him. And this Adjuster, dwelling within and looking out, gave Cain a distinct advantage of superiority which classed him with the greatly feared tribe of Adam. [2]
Society early adopted the paying-back attitude of retaliation: an eye for an eye, a life for a life. The law of Moses said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’. [3]
Jesus quoted the saying that it is ‘easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the heathen to inherit eternal life.’ And he declared that it is as easy for this camel to go through the needle’s eye as for the self-satisfied rich ones to enter the kingdom of heaven”. [4]
On the mansion worlds, after our vision range is extended and we are freed from the fetters of material comparisons, we can begin to comprehend the meaning of those realities which “eye cannot see nor ear hear, and which have never entered the concept of human minds,” even those things which “God has prepared for those who love such eternal verities. [5]
Said Jesus: If the things you do with your hands, or the things you see with your eyes give offense in the progress of the kingdom, sacrifice these cherished idols, for it is better to enter the kingdom minus many of the beloved things of life rather than to cling to these idols and find yourself shut out of the kingdom. [6] Of all the ten phases of wavelike energy activity, the human eye can react to just one octave, the whole light of ordinary sunlight. [7] The material eyes are truly the windows of the spirit-born soul. [8]