In Uversa personality register. [1] Personification of Infinite Spirit is first Paradise record. [2] 7 sacred worlds of. [3] Accepted Michael’s bestowal at transfiguration. [4] Apparent ancestor of motion, change, relationship. [5] Father treats Infinite Spirit as equal. [6] Flash presence of. [7] Infinite Mind is a law in itself. [8] Mind of Infinite Spirit is adequate to endow an infinite universe. [9] Adjusters entirely outside mind circuits of. [10] Premind fragmentations of. [11] Presence of Infinite Spirit enshrouds Father and Son. [12] Reflectivity is secret of. [13] Satisfactions afforded by Havona. [14] Seconaphim interpret mind of Infinite Spirit for Ancients of Days. [15] Seraphic guardians correlate influences of. [16] In superuniverses, Infinite Spirit speaks only through Seven Master Spirits. [17] Seven Master Spirits distribute Infinite Spirit to superuniverses. [18] Solitary Messengers traverse space over mind circuits of. [19] Sorrows of Infinite Spirit are real. [20]
Conceived in eternity by Father and Son. [42] Eternalized concurrently with Havona. [43] Personality cycle complete upon personalization of. [44] Father and Eternal Son found union in. [45]
Absolute Mind; Infinite Mind. [46] Absolute of actuality. [47] An Absolute of Infinity. [48] Conjoint Actor, Third Person of Deity. [49] Father and Son’s infinite agent of mutual expression and action. [50] Member of triodity of actuality. [51] Part of God the Sevenfold. [52] Source and convergence of all mind. [53] Spirit of God. [54]
Are Act of God. [55] Central personality registries kept on Paradise spheres of Infinite Spirit. [56] Children are living ladder whereby man climbs from chaos to glory. [57] Children of Infinite Spirit referred to as daughters of God. [58] In personality registers. [59] Largely independent of space. [60] Lowest expression of Infinite Spirit is in angels. [61] Provides evidence for universe tribunals. [62] Seven Master Spirits are primary personalities of. [63] Some beings not unqualifiedly personal to others. [64] Truly understand mortals. [65]
Unrevealed beings. [66]
Activator of Paradise pattern. [67] Agencies ceaselessly manipulate all forces and energies. [68] Agencies of Infinite Spirit handle our practical daily affairs. [69] Ancestor of cosmic mind. [70] Antigravity. [71] Bestows Third Source personality. [72] Can act for Father in bestowal of personality. [73] Compensates for incompleteness of evolutionary Deity – the Supreme and the Ultimate. [74] Correlator of all actual reality. [75] Draws all divine and perfect ideas and values in his mind circuit. [76] Draws all intellectual values Paradiseward. [77] Draws near all creatures as a person in angels. [78] Eternal Son only attained through Infinite Spirit. [79] Executive agency for Father-Son partnership. [80] Exerts personal presence only in Paradise, Havona. [81] Finite energy and spirit held together by mind presences of. [82] Fragmentizes portions of his spirit to indwell Spirit-fusion mortals. [83] Has dedicated all to mortal ascension plan. [84] Initiates motions of space. [85] Life comes into being by action of. [86] Makes possible reflectivity. [87] Manipulator and neutralizer of energies of Paradise. [88] Ministers combined love of Father and Son. [89] Ministers to minds, even of most primitive living things. [90] Personal presence of actual ministry in Havona. [91] Providence is domain of. [92] Relation to universe. [93] Source of mind. [94]
Absolute only in domain of mind. [95] Action—motion, change, modification, co-ordination, stabilization, equilibrium. [96] Altogether like Father. [97] Eternal; divine personality. [98] Existential Deity synthesis of personality and power. [99] Independent of space and time. [100] Knows Father as infinity. [101] Mercy, ministry, and love applied. [102] Omnipresent; pervades all space. [103] Omniscient; omnipotent in domain of mind. [104] Oneness with Father and Son. [105] Personality of unlimited spirituality, absolute mind, prerogatives of energy manipulation. [106] Revealed in bestowals of Paradise Sons. [107] Revelation of unity of God. [108]
In birth of local universe Mother Spirits. [109] In creation of Havona. [110] In everything except physical gravity, spiritual gravity, and personality circuit. [111] In spheres of mind, matter, and spirit. [112] In transcendental appearances of Eternal Son. [113] With original Michael Son in Havona bestowals. [114]
Ascenders recognize Infinite Spirit on 5th Havona circuit; first Deity to be recognized. [115] Mortals can know presence of Infinite Spirit in the Holy Spirit. [116] Not all who attain Paradise can immediately discern. [117] Trinity Guides help Havona pilgrims find. [118]
See also: UB 8; UB 9; UB 0:3.22; UB 10:2.3; UB 105:2.7; UB 8:2.6; UB 9:1; UB 23; UB 24; UB 25; UB 26; UB 9:8; UB 9:8.14-23; UB 38:0; UB 24; UB 30:2.66; UB 25; UB 30:2.74; UB 26; UB 30:2.82; UB 9:8.15; UB 17:0.1-9; UB 30:2.90-115.