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3rd day after death for mortals with personal seraphic guardians. [1] 7 times on mansion worlds. [2] After resurrection, mortal life at first seems a vague dream. [3] Ancients of Days delegate resurrection to Bright and Morning Stars. [4] Ancients of Days make decrees of immediate. [5] Archangels promulgate roll call; council for. [6] Automatic for all, according to Lucifer. [7]
Pharisees believed in physical. [8] Phrygian mystery cult celebrated Attis’s. [9] Prophet Daniel believed in. [10] Sadducees did not believe in. [11] Under Mithraism. [12]
Effected by reassociation of soul in custody of destiny guardian and the Adjuster. [13] Entails fabrication of suitable form, return of Adjuster, and seraphic guardian’s bestowal of soul. [14] Guardian angels present for. [15] Heralds of resurrection. Judgment based on Adjuster’s version of deceased human’s character, seraphic records. [16] Judgment seat of presiding archangel. [17] Lazarus’s resurrection was only instance of physical resurrection. [18] Michael removed survivors of dispensational. [19] Morontia Companion will be on hand to awaken us. [20] Mortal’s 2nd jubilee. [21] Most survivors repersonalized upon new dispensation. [22] New body in morontia form. [23] No literal resurrection from Jerusem until leaving Nebadon. [24] Occurs on mansion worlds. [25] Physical body remains on planet. [26] Resurrection of unjust. Reappearance of personality is a mystery. [27] Reassembly of memory, insight, and consciousness – identity. [28] Resurrection halls. Seizure of morontia mind by awakening self. [29] Seraphic transport not used. [30]
Adamic resurrection was #26, 1318 resurrected. [31] At time of Adam’s arrival. [32] Of sleeping survivors occur at least every millennium of planetary time. [33]