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Built one of most progressive societies ever. [1] Carried Christian message to gentiles. [2] Did most to establish kingdom. [3] Founded Christianity. [4] Founded religion of faith, hope, charity. [5]
Angamon great friend of. [6] Estranged from Abner. [7] Gaius was a supporter in Corinth. [8] Lived in Corinth with Justus, Aquila, Priscilla. [9] Luke became follower in A.D. 47. [10] Sent Titus to Crete. [11] Spent winter with son of Jeramy in Nicopolis. [12] Worked with Peter. [13]
Caught up to third heaven; had vision of morontia worlds. [14] Concluded that the tentmaker of Antioch was the scribe of Damascus. [15] Died prior to A.D. 82. [16] Early converts were gentile proselytes. [17] Great organizer. [18] Great religious teacher. [19] Greek-speaking Hebrew; Roman citizen. [20] Imprisoned at Caesarea. [21] Indomitable. [22] Mithraism was dominant religion in city of P.’s birth. [23]
Antioch. [24] Athens. [25] Corinth. [26] Ephesus. [27]
Previously known as Saul. [28] Saw Stephen stoned. [29] Spectacular conversion with Jesus of Damascus road. [30]
Adapted Jesus’ teachings to render them more acceptable; shrewd compromiser. [31] Declared God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. [32] Did not intend his letters to represent teachings of Jesus. [33] Doctrine of Christ as second Adam. [34] Drew spiritual lessons from sprouting grain. [35] Ended doctrine of redemption through animal sacrifice. [36] Found it difficult to consider women as equals. [37] Gospel of personality sanctity, spiritual liberty. [38] Incorporated continence cult into Christianity; knew teachings were not part of Jesus’ gospel. [39] Influenced by Jesus, Plato, Philo, Stoics, Cynics. [40] Knew of Trinity; thought Jesus was 2nd Person of the Trinity. [41] Knew status of Lucifer rebellion leaders. [42] Nothing shall separate us from the love of God. [43] P.’s personal viewpoint influenced Christianity. [44] Pessimistic view of mankind. [45] Refused to subject gentiles to Jewish practices. [46] Taught atonement doctrine, original sin. [47]
Tentmaker. [48]